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subject: How Building Collagen Helps With Facial Rejuvenation [print this page]

If you are interested in facial rejuvenation, you may have heard that the best way to go about it is by building collagen. How can this help? Because collagen and elastin are two key components that make up healthy, youthful skin and replacing collagen that has been lost over time can lead to clearer, firmer, more youthful skin.

If you want to know how collagen and elastin can help with your skin quality, you should look at the make-up of your skin in general. There are two layers of the skin: the dermis and the epidermis. The epidermis is the top layer of skin that is constantly renewing itself by shedding cells. The dermis is the deeper layer of skin which contains things like the sweat glands and hair follicles.

The dermis is made up of two different types of connective tissue: white fibrous tissues and yellow elastic fibres which give the skin its strength and firmness. Collagen and elastin are the two main components in these tissues. As skin ages, the collagen bonds weaken and become damaged. Building collagen is critical because it allows you to retain the firm appearance of more youthful skin. And reproducing the look and feel of youthful skin is the aim of all facial rejuvenation.

You may wonder what the best way of building collagen is. Many people adhere to collagen building diets as a way to try and accomplish facial rejuvenation but they may be disappointed by the results. Science has proven that the best way of building collagen is through the use of collagen rich creams. They allow targeted application of collagen to the areas which require it most.

The skin is a living organ which absorbs chemicals and nutrients directly. This is why so many medications are now using transdermal patches as a way for the medications to enter the system. You should look for creams which advertise ingredients such as copper, Co-enzyme Q-10 and kelp extracts since these ingredients are all proven to help build and repair collagen bonds in the skin.

If you want to accomplish effective facial rejuvenation by building collagen, you should know that it can take four to six weeks for maximum results to be seen. This is because it can take up to a month for skin resurfacing to be accomplished, and results that are taking place deep within the skin to be seen and felt at the surface. Click Here and discover effective facial rejuvenation that diminishes fine lines, dry skin, and other signs of aging. Visit now and receive a FREE special report on the secrets of beautiful skin.

How Building Collagen Helps With Facial Rejuvenation

By: Amy Austen

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