subject: Insure Your Teen: Save Money, Sanity [print this page] Insure Your Teen: Save Money, Sanity Insure Your Teen: Save Money, Sanity
Stereotypes abound about teenagers and how they drive. Unfortunately, a lot of statistics support these stereotypes, so insurance companies charge a great deal of money when you want to insure a teenager. While prices are generally a lot lower for girls, boys don't have to cost a fortune to insure and girls can get even more savings.
Safety First
Safe Cars
If you want to make sure you precious child is safe and save money, start with the vehicle they drive. A great deal of the cost of insurance has nothing to do with the driver at all. If you get a car with a high safety rating, one that is practically indestructible and will guarantee the driver's safety, you can save a lot of money on the insurance. Sometimes it even makes sense to pay more for the car so that you will save that money in insurance in the long run.
Luxury cars will often end up costing you a great deal more than the sticker price because they frequently get stolen.
However, you can save more money by installing anti-theft devices and extra safety features.
Buying used cars is the best option for money of course, and that is true for insurance as well. Used cars are cheaper to replace, so the insurance companies charge less to cover them as well.
Safe Drivers
However, the driver does make a difference, so make sure your teen is safe by making sure they are a good, responsible, defensive driver. Unfortunately, the insurance company won't take your word for it, so you need to provide some proof.
Good grades are statistically correlated to safe driving, so if you can show that your child is an A student, you can often get a discount.
Enrolling them in driving courses will also serve your wallet well now and theirs in the future. Defensive driving courses are one of the biggest discounts and often among the least taken advantage of. Even if they groan about it, make them take the course.
Often a good way to convince a teen is to make them pay the premium his or herself.
It's all in the family
Family Planning
Rather than searching around for a cheap car insurance provider for your son(s) and/or daughter(s), see if you can add them to your existing plan. This will likely work out cheaper combined. Or, you can get a new family plan together. Search around the internet for prices on family plans in your area.
The per person price will be a lot better in most cases, even if it seems like a lot to pay at first.
Sometimes teens can actually lower your car insurance costs as well, especially if you've had them go through driving courses and get good grades in school.
Daughters are a wonderful asset to have in these cases. They are among the lowest risks on the road, defeating the stereotype (you go girls!). Take advantage of it by getting them on your plan so that your rate goes down.
Most importantly, make sure your teen drivers safely and without breaking any laws. Serious tickets or collisions will send car insurance prices up significantly.
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