subject: Can Ovulation Induction Improve My Chances Of Falling Pregnant? [print this page] Can Ovulation Induction Improve My Chances Of Falling Pregnant?
One in 20 Australian couples will have difficulty falling pregnant, indeed, most will need assistance, usually at an IVF Clinic, if they are to have a chance of having their own biological children.
Many put off their first visit to a fertility specialist, sometimes for years. This can be a mistake, as age is the biggest cause of infertility. But it is not the only cause.
What if the problem is an abnormal menstrual cycle and with it, the absence of regular ovulation? If this is the problem, a fertility specialist may recommend ovulation induction as the first line of treatment.
Ovulation induction is a relatively simple fertility treatment and often, conception can be achieved through intercourse. The treatment involves taking medication, either in an injectable or oral form, to bring on ovulation. This medication is taken at the beginning of the menstrual cycle and is monitored throughout the cycle, usually at a fertility clinic, with ultrasound and blood tests. Blood tests measure the levels of hormones which are necessary for ovulation to occur. The ultrasounds monitor the development of follicles in the ovary in which the eggs mature.
Every woman should learn as much as possible about ovulation, as knowing when you ovulate is the key to getting pregnant, as well as key to avoiding pregnancy.
So what is ovulation? During a woman's menstrual cycle, her ovaries will develop a dominant follicle (or small sac) which contains an egg. Around 14 days after the start of a woman's last period, this follicle will have grown, the egg matured and is released (or ovulated). The egg survives for about 24 hours during which time it moves into the fallopian tube to be fertilised by sperm. This is what is known as the women's fertile time.
In many IVF clinics, ovulation induction is usually accompanied by Intrauterine insemination as this increases the chances of pregnancy.
Intrauterine insemination or IUI involves the placing of specially prepared, concentrated ("washed") sperm into the cavity of the uterus, bypassing the cervix. This is performed close to the time of ovulation. Ovulation Induction and IUI is not suitable for every couple having trouble conceiving, but when used appropriately, it can result in a pregnancy rate approaching that of couples in the same age group.
IVF specialists know that a significant number of couples prefer to avoid more complex treatments for infertility, such as IVF. where possible, and in many situations IUI is better, more affordable and an easier option to try.
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