subject: Celebrity Weight Loss Secrets to Losing Weight Quickly [print this page] Celebrity Weight Loss Secrets to Losing Weight Quickly
Celebrities are people too but due to their career choice, their bodies sometimes have to be in tip top condition. Some rolls call for them to really gain some weight while others require them to be extremely small. In this article I will share the celebrity weight loss secrets to losing weight quickly.
I bet you can't walk by a tabloid without reading something about some celebrity that is either overweight or looks like they are skin and bones. Honestly, they are people too and I would think they carry a lot of burden on their shoulders always having to be the best at their profession. I know myself that I'm an emotional eater and have read about numerous stars that have the same problem. They fight their weight constantly.
How many times have you seen Janet Jackson on the cover of a magazine all ballooned up carrying so much extra weight! She openly admits that she doesn't watch what she eats when she's not working. But when it's time to get back to it, she follows a strict exercise routine and can work out up to six hours a day.
Jennifer Lopez watches what she eats but says that she has to stay totally away from drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. That's how she keeps her weight in check.
Jessica Simpson loves sugar so she's really had to watch herself and what she eats in order to keep her weight under control.
Britney Spears was on the cover of OK Magazine not long ago where they claimed she had lost 12 pounds in 30 days. After doing a little more research on this particular topic I soon found out that she followed the cleanse and detoxify method.
It's been proven that our bodies carry about 30 pounds of toxins and waste in our colons so when you flush all these harmful things from our bodies this not only helps us lose that unwanted weight but it increases our energy, burns our fat and detoxifies our organs.
Although a lot of celebrities use this method to lose that weight quickly, it is also a very safe way for you to clean all the junk out of your body. There are a couple different ways this can be accomplished. One very popular way is what's called the master cleanse method. This is where you mix a lemonade concoction with several different ingredients and then drink nothing but that all day for at least three days in a row, preferably five. I heard it tastes pretty nasty so I can't see myself trying this one out. The other way is to just take some pills that basically do the same thing. That does sound so much easier.
As you can see, there are so many different ways you can lose weight but the smartest and safest thing to do is to lose it the right way. Eating right and exercising are proven ways to keep that weight off but we all don't live perfect lifestyles.
So there you have it, the celebrity weight loss secrets to losing weight quickly. Personally I admit that I too prefer the easier way to shed those unwanted pounds. What about you?
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