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The One Problem All Diets Have

The One Problem All Diets Have
The One Problem All Diets Have

With all of the different diet programs available today, why are more people than ever overweight or obese?

Most of these diet programs promise fast and easy weight loss and make claims such as "lose 20 pounds in two weeks" or lose "10 pounds over the weekend." So why aren't these diets working?

They reason why they aren't working is because all diets have one major flaw - they're virtually impossible to follow long term. Whether its because they drastically reduce calories, or severely limit carbs or fats, or require you to use special foods, bars, shakes or supplements, staying on a diet for an extended period of time is just not feasible.

The reality is that diets are a short term strategy for weight loss. They're a temporary way of eating that produces temporary results.

Sure you can lose weight quickly on most diets, but it doesn't matter how much weight you lose or how fast you lose it if you're just going to gain the weight back as soon as you go off of the diet and go back to your old eating habits. As a matter of fact, the faster you lose weight, the more likely it is that you'll gain it back.

This is why yo-yo dieting is so common. People quickly lose weight on a diet, then eventually give up on the diet and go back to their old eating habits, and then end up gaining back any weight that they lost. They then start another diet, and the whole cycle of losing and regaining weight begins again.

So if diets aren't an effective way to permanently lose weight, what is? The way to achieve permanent weight loss is to follow a nutrition plan. This has been proven over and over again in multiple studies, and there's also plenty of anecdotal evidence as to the effectiveness of nutrition plans.

A nutrition plan is not a temporary way of eating like a diet is, it's a permanent way of eating that you can continue to follow even after you lose weight. A nutrition plan is not based on drastically reducing calories, or severely limiting carbs or fats, or requiring you to use special foods, bars, shakes or supplements. It's based on cutting back on calories in a healthy and safe way.

A nutrition plan is also not a "one size fits all" way of eating like most diets are. It's based on you as an individual - your body type, your genetics, your metabolism, and what mix of protein, carbohydrate and fat works best for you.

No one way of eating works best for everyone, so you have to determine what way of eating works best for you. This is the whole idea behind a nutrition plan. It's a personalized way of eating that you can follow for a lifetime.

In conclusion, there are no short cuts when it comes to weight loss. The only way to effectively lose weight and keep it off is to follow a good nutrition plan for the long term.

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