subject: ClickBank Changes for the Year 2010 [print this page] Expect more competition both as a product creator and an affiliate marketer on ClickBank. While this prediction might make you squirm a bit, consider it a beneficial forecast. A thriving marketplace attracts more consumers. ClickBank just introduced three tutorial videos to help bring on German, French and Spanish speaking sellers and affiliates. This will help widen the global audience and your potential for sales. They will be doing more handholding for the masses, training product creators to stay above the board and not spam or do unethical things, and training affiliates to utilize tools to make more sales. For example, in a recent ClickBank blog post, they even advised affiliates to use PLR to help promote ClickBank products. Thats a positive thing for marketers, because many online companies frown on PLR, not understanding its ability in the marketplace. ClickBank is going to continue cracking down on vendors. Many topics are already being declined from the list in 2009, and you can expect them to continue weeding out topics in the coming year. Theyve recently shut down topics such as credit repair, marketing through social networks, multi level marketing memberships, and more. Youre unable to submit topics in these categories at all and they will not review your product for you. ClickBank plans to ensure its vendors are in compliance with the FTC regulations especially if youre using the Vendor Spotlight feature. They dont tell you whats wrong, just that youre not in compliance and they direct you to the FTCs website so you can investigate the rules yourself. The site has also begun expending its marketplace categories, and probably will widen it more as the number of vendors and affiliates grow. You may have noticed, if you already have a product there, that when you log into your account, youre told of your new category and subcategory and given a chance to dispute it if you wish to do so. Some people complain about the ClickBank marketplace, preferring instead to use another form of affiliate marketing like PayDotCom. But for those who want to cover all bases and have their products promoted by a large number of affiliates (or want to have a large number of products to promote as an affiliate), its best to just stay abreast of the ClickBank rules as theyre announced, which means staying tuned into their blog.
ClickBank Changes for the Year 2010
By: Simon Stepsys
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