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Zamzuu - Make Money in Zamzuu
Zamzuu - Make Money in Zamzuu

ZamZuu was established by YTB which stands for Your Travel Biz. ZamZuu was formally named ShopYTB. The new online shopping company has the feature to shop online for a huge collection of books, magazines, DVDs, music, videos, electronics, computers, software, apparel, shoes, jewelry and furniture. ZamZuu also allows people who are interested to make money by market ZamZuu opportunity to other people.

To become a distributor ZamZuu requires to buy a website for $249.55 and to mention it active for $49.95 a month. The distributor than has to direct people to their website to purchase products or to become distributors as well.

The compensation of ZamZuu is made from the commissions of the distributors on every sale made from their website and also through their distributors which they sponsored.

Like every multi level marketing ZamZuu requires to talk to the family members, friends and other people you know or you will meet. To be successful in a MLM company requires to have a lot of leads. Talking to some people who are not very interested in MLM in not a very good idea because they are not good leads. People who make a lot of money in this industry are doing a system which is a lot easier than to talk to people who are not interested in your company.

The main problem in MLM is that not everybody finds dedicated leads which will continue the chain. There are 3%of the people who are making a lot of money in home based opportunities. They have a strategy and they are following a system which brings them qualified leads every day and night. They are finding leads online.

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