subject: Social Media Revolution | Billion Dollar Benefit [print this page] Social Media Revolution | Billion Dollar Benefit
The Billion Dollar Benefit is what we call a Social Media Revolution,
How to use Social Media to get a JOB!
BDBsocial is a FREE Social Cause Network teaching you Social Media in Plain English. Join Today!
DAN WEIK Co-Founder of Billion Dollar Benefit is a Marketing Genius!
Creating a Revolutionizing Fund Raising System using Social Cause Marketing that uses Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Wordpress to Support World-Wide Causes by Teaching Non-Profit Business's & John Q Public how to generate large capital using our system.
Twitter in plain English
Social networking in plain English
Blogging in plain English
Blogs in plain English
Facebook in plain English
Youtube in plain English
Linkedin in plain English
Social bookmarking in plain English
The Billion Dollar Benefit:Organizational Overview & FAQQ: What is the Billion Dollar Benefit?A: The BDBorg is a revolutionizing fund-raising system we call "Social Cause Marketing". Q: How is this system revolutionary?A: We use existing social media platforms to teach non-profits, entrepreneurs, home based business owners and the general public how to generate large amounts of capital using our system. Q: How are we doing this?A: By utilizing social media platforms such as: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Wordpress to create a viral message of support for non-profit organizations, charities and fund-raisers. Collaboration + Dedication = Multiplication. This is our model and we definitely practice what we preach. The BDBorg has been built & operated on the very principals & procedures we are going to teach you! Whether it's the prioritization of your time, or the streamlining of your efforts. By learning Social Cause Marketing you will literally ride the technological wave taking the internet by storm. These are proven techniques which have literally made other organizations millions. We have collaborated with Joint Venture Partners for specific Niche Market Guru's (Leaders) in each of the various social media platforms. This gives you incredible resources to learn how Social Media will change your professional & personal life! Ongoing training is essential in today's HIGH TECH era, we will keep you up to date on the latest and most relevant Social Media technology. This system will give you the upper hand in all that you do while simultaneously contributing to foundations & charities world wide! Together we can create something special and work side-by-side with other like-minded individuals who truly care about making this world a better place. Benefits for You or your Organization: Learn the powerful Web 3.0 technology of Social Cause Marketing to generate growth and better serve your existing supporters and members immediately.Receive exponential exposure to new potential donors and supporters. Generate more direct donations to support specific projects or "Wishes" using our Revolutionizing Fund Raising System.Build a powerful, interactive, "Cause-Oriented," virally-produced social cause network of donors and supporters world wide. Drive major traffic to your organization's Web site Establish Yourself or your Organization as a forward-thinking, technologically proficient and visionary fund-raising machine.Non-Profit Membership Criteria To qualify for BDBorg Support, nonprofits must meet all the criteria in the BDBorg Terms of Service Agreement. The five main criteria non-profits must meet are: 1. Be a US-based nonprofit with a current 501(c)(3) status and not appear on any federal, state or international terrorist lists. 2. Be in good standing and compliant with state regulations in the state where the nonprofit organization is legally established. 3. Meet the BDBsocial Community Standards of NOT promoting hate, violence, racism, discrimination or illegal activity. 4. Build and maintain an accurate nonprofit profile, allowing donors to learn about your nonprofit to make wise donation decisions. 5. Agree to use all donations for the purpose stated in the Wish and to post the progress or results the nonprofit accomplished with the donations online.For more information please visit
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BDBsocial Cause Network
by: Dan Weik
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