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subject: Ensure That Cards Are Widely Used in This Area Before You Transfer Money to Bangladesh [print this page]

Ensure That Cards Are Widely Used in This Area Before You Transfer Money to Bangladesh

As long as your relative can use this type of card in their country, it is a good deal. If, for example, you need to transfer money to Bangladesh, this card may be helpful. However, you should first do some research to ensure that this type of card is accepted.

If your relative wants to get money out of their cards through ATMs, they can do so in Bangladesh. Not surprisingly, this country does not have as many ATMs as some other nations do. Small towns are especially bereft of cash machines. However, major cities, such as Dhaka, Chittagong, and Khulna are known for having many shopping centers that include ATMs. Nearly any metropolitan area in the country features at least one ATM, so feel free to transfer money to Bangladesh on a debit card.

Many of the ATMs found here are attached to banks. Dutch Bangla Bank is known as the largest ATM network, and these machines can be found in many areas of this country. The airports in both Dhaka and Chittagong feature one of these ATMs, and all such cash machines accept Visa and MasterCard. Citibank and Standard Chartered also feature such ATMs, so tell your relative to look for these banks to withdraw funds after you transfer money to Bangladesh on a card. One thing to be aware of is that HSBC banks also abound here, but they only accept Visa cards, so if you use a MasterCard to transfer money to Bangladesh, let your relative know this fact.

One benefit of using a prepaid debit card in Bangladesh is that many merchants here accept cards for payment. In fact, use of debit and credit cards here is encouraged, and is expected to help pull the country out its recession. It is still advised that residents here carry some paper money in case a retailer does not take cards for some reason, but most do. This is especially true in larger metropolitan areas like Dhaka. Most retailers have machines that are hooked up to a modem, allowing for faster shopping than when just accepting cash, which is partly why many merchants prefer this method.

It is always recommended that you research card usage in your relative's country before you transfer money to Bangladesh. In this case, cards are widely accepted, even though ATMs are mainly found in major cities. This means that your relative will likely be able to use their prepaid debit card in some capacity all over this country, whether through removing money from a cash machine or using it to purchase products at a local store.

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