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subject: Find Out If Debit Cards Are Accepted Before You Transfer Money to Armenia Through One [print this page]

Find Out If Debit Cards Are Accepted Before You Transfer Money to Armenia Through One

This involves making sure that there are plenty of ATMs around, as well as retailers that accept debit cards. Otherwise, you may need to choose a different method to transfer money to Armenia.

ATMs can be found in this country in many areas, particularly in Yerevan. Plenty of local banks feature ATMs that accept Visa and MasterCard, and international banks like HSBC also abound here. However, be aware that HSBC banks only accept cards with the Maestro or MasterCard symbols, so try to get that kind of debit card in order to make it easier for your relative to find suitable ATMs. Other large cities also feature ATMs, both in banks and along the streets, and most of these accept both Maestro and Cirrus cards. Some of the known streets with ATMs include Isahakian, Tumanian, Tigran Mets, Abovian, and Baghramian Streets. This information may be useful to your relative should they have any trouble finding ATMs to withdraw cash.

Using debit and credit cards in Armenia to purchase products is possible, but not guaranteed. Typically, stores in Yerevan do take cards, but nearly any other city, especially small ones, do not usually have stores that accept them. Instead, your relative is advised to take out cash when they see an ATM, as there is no telling which stores accept cards or not. It should also be noted that prices may be quoted in U.S. dollars, but they are not accepted here. Instead, the Armenian Dram is the official currency and is the only one accepted.

Before you decide whether to use this method to transfer money to Armenia, you should make sure that you relative would appreciate a debit card. If they live in a small town with little access to ATMs, or do not know how to use such a card, another method may be best. However, most people enjoy having access to a card that they can use at retailers, or at ATMs to get cash out if they prefer dealing with the dram instead of plastic. Either way, consult both your relative and their country's regulations before you use a card to transfer money to Armenia.

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