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subject: Transfer Money to Nicaragua on a Prepaid Debit Card After Ensuring That Your Recipient Can Use It [print this page]

Transfer Money to Nicaragua on a Prepaid Debit Card After Ensuring That Your Recipient Can Use It

Though the currency of this nation is the cordoba, U.S. dollars are often accepted, too. However, if your relative does have U.S. dollars and pays for items with them, they will receive their change in cordobas. Additionally, if they use a prepaid debit card to get cash out at ATMs, also called cajeras automaticas, they will typically get cordobas out. However, there is sometimes an option to get U.S. dollars, though the exchange rate is not very favorable. Another warning for ATMs in Nicaragua is that most will charge $2 per transaction, or about 41 cordobas, so it is usually wise for your relative to take as much cash out as possible at once to avoid excessive fees.

Most banks and gas stations have ATMs, especially in larger towns that attract tourists. However, the Corn Islands and Isla de Ometepe appear to be the exceptions, as ATMs seem to be absent there. Cities like Chinandega, Granada, Managua, Masaya, and Rivas are just some areas that have at least one ATM that accepts Visa and MasterCard. Therefore, most populated cities allow access to ATMs, so if your relative is within a close distance of any of these areas, you can transfer money to Nicaragua using a prepaid debit card confidently.

Like most countries, not every retailer accepts debit cards for payment. However, in this country, it is quite easy to find stores, restaurants, and hotels that do accept them, particularly in larger cities. Not surprisingly, small towns and tiny shops in smaller areas like Corinto do not usually take cards, but the same often goes for the United States, so this should be a familiar concept. For this reason, carrying some cordobas, or even some U.S. dollars, is advised in this country.

The ability to transfer money to Nicaragua on a card is quite convenient for most residents of this nation. Many people like having the flexibility of getting cash out and paying for items with it, using their card at stores, or making payments online. Now you can give your relative this convenience when you transfer money to Nicaragua on a prepaid debit card.

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