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subject: Purchasing the Volkswagen Beetle at Larry Miller Volkswagen [print this page]

Purchasing the Volkswagen Beetle at Larry Miller Volkswagen

One of my favorite cars is the Volkswagen Beetle. I fell in love with it five years ago when I sat in my friend's car. Not only did it look beautiful, when he turned on the turbo and floored the accelerator, the engine sound was like music in the silence of the night. From that night onwards, I vowed to work hard to buy a brand new Volkswagen Beetle.

After three years of scrimping and saving, the day finally came for me to put a purchase on the brilliant machine. I was full of excitement and was brimming with pride. I lived in Arizona and had spent the last few weeks test-driving the vehicle at various dealers like Peoria Volkswagen, Arizona Volkswagen, Avondale Volkswagen, and Glendale Volkswagen.

Don't ask me why I had to test drive the vehicle at so many different dealers? I guess I just wanted to enjoy and prolong the process of purchasing it. I had spent the last three years dreaming almost every day about purchasing it. The day had finally come. I could hardly contain my excitement.

That day, my wife accompanied me to the Larry Miller Volkswagen. I had already pre-ordered the sleek and stylish black color version. When I stepped into the showroom, a good-looking salesman greeted me and showed me to the vehicle. Along the way, I saw some older models of various Volkswagen vehicles. The salesman explained that they deal in used Volkswagen as well.

Finally, we reached my treasured vehicle. I could hardly take my eyes off it. The salesman showed me how to operate the sunroof. I had always envisioned myself speeding down the highway in a convertible. Finally, my time has come. I was grinning from ear to ear and I felt like a schoolboy inside a candy shop. My wife gave me a nudge, as if to ask me to calm myself down.

How could I calm myself in the face of such beauty? I climbed into the vehicle and the salesman proceeded to explain that the front seats could be heated in case the weather got cold. He also blasted the six speaker stereo system and I was in heaven.

After signing some documents, the salesman handed me the keys and I proceeded to take the driver's seat while my wife sat beside me. I gave her a look that said, "Darling. This is it. This is the moment!"

I revved the engine a few times and the salesman smiled at me and waved. I felt like the kind of the world. Finally, I understood how Leonardo Dicaprio felt when was on top of the titanic.

I let down the sunroof and we sped towards the expressway. Finally, my dream has come true. Good things truly come for those who wait.

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