subject: Bed Wetting Concerns Alleviated With Bed Wetting Alarms [print this page] Bed Wetting Concerns Alleviated With Bed Wetting Alarms
You may have wondered if using a bed wetting alarm on your child is safe and effective. There are a lot of products on the market today that can alarm your child if moisture is detected and help wake them before they soak the entire bed. These alarms help train the child that when the urge to use the bathroom hits them in the middle of the night, they need to wake up and use the bathroom instead of literally sleeping through it and urinating on themselves while they sleep. These alarms help increase the child's self confidence and end those embarrassing moments.Bed wetting can happen for several reasons and you should check with your child's pediatrician to make sure it isn't a physical condition. If it is a physical condition, an alarm may only be somewhat useful to helping the child cure the problem. If your pediatrician deems that it is in fact a physical condition, it's very important that you work with your child's doctor and follow his advice. However, if your pediatrician decides that it's not a physical condition, then a bed wetting alarm may be just the thing to help your child develop their natural instincts to awaken when they feel the urge to urinate.Using an alarm should only be one part of assisting your child in overcoming their bed wetting problem. Several other things that can assist you in helping your child is to limit their fluid intake several hours before bedtime. The old saying is true in this case for everyone - even adults. "What comes in must go out". Even as adults we watch our fluid intake before going to bed for the night. Otherwise, we'll be awakened by the urge to use the bathroom, and ruin an otherwise restful night's sleep. It's the same for your child. So, if the condition isn't physical, a bed wetting alarm may be useful in helping you further develop your child's natural wake indicator when they need to use the bathroom.These alarms can also help boost your child's self esteem, let them go to a friends house for a sleep over for the first time and most importantly, let your child know that they are OK. They just need a little help, and Mom and Dad are helping them out by allowing them to use a bed wetting alarm.So, consider a bed wetting alarm for your child. Some parents have reported great results with them, and have even posted results that their child was doing much better within a matter of weeks.
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