subject: Adsense Techniques - Comparing Ad Units and Link Units [print this page] Adsense Techniques - Comparing Ad Units and Link Units
It took some time and experimentation to maximize my revenue. There are literally hundreds of articles and web sites dedicated to the topic of search engine optimization (SEO) and keywords and the placement of adsense ads on your web site. I have read many of these articles and resources and have implemented many of their recommendations.
Did you know Google has two different ad formats? Ad Units and Link Units are very different and produce very different result.
Ad units look like this:
Ads By Google
Cars for Less
Buy new cars for less
from the best car place
While link units look like this:
Ads by Google: Cars New Cars Car Fact Buy Cars Cheap Cars
I employ both type of adsense ads on my sites, and I assign channels to each ad so I can see which type of ad gives the best result. I try to incorporate the ads in my sites so they have a natural look. I like the link units best because they look like just another link on my site. I usually position them in a space that fits in with the other links on the sidebar of my sites.
I seem to get much better Click Through Rates (CTR) on these ads. People don't seem to be as intimidated by the LOOK of the link unit.
But the CTR is not the most important statistic, money is. In my experience I receive higher revenue from Ad Unit vs. Link units. I assume this is because the Ad Unit serves higher price ads than links units do. I have no proof of this, but it does make sense.
The important lesson to learn is to use adsense channels, and experiment with both Link Units and Ad unit. I use both on all my sites. If you are only using Ad Units at this time, I highly recommend you intelligently employ link units for added revenue.
By Bill McRea publisher of and For more information about this topic take a look at my sites to see how I've used adsense to maximize revenue at my sites.
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