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subject: How to Protect Milk Teeth? [print this page]

How to Protect Milk Teeth?
How to Protect Milk Teeth?

When the child is two years old it already has 16 teeth. Notwithstanding their recent appearance, the teeth are susceptible to deterioration and require no less care to maintain them. Experts say that hygiene habits should be introduced to children with the appearance of the first tooth. According to some experts, in some cases, the cases of broken molars in young children indicate unawareness of the importance of caring for milk teeth and their health and the general health of the child. There are cases in which despite preventative measures and good care for the oral health, teeth are susceptible to chronic degradation after 6 years of age as they are divided into two periods-between 6-11 years and 12-19 years.

The destruction of the teeth is five times more common disease than asthma and seven times more often than allergies to pollen of children, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Caries are registered in 40% of the children under 5 years of age. Neglecting dental care of milk teeth in early childhood strongly affects the oral health later. What you should do in order to prevent your child's milk teeth is to visit the dentist when the child is 1 year old.

American Academy of Pediatrics and American Academy of Pediatric Density advise when your child is one year old to take it to the dentist. You should teach your child to handle toothbrush and floss. Besides the consultation with a specialist in pediatric dentistry, after the appearance of the first tooth it is very important to introduce the use of a toothbrush. When the tooth is only one, you should clean it with gauze. Even before the first teeth of the child appear, its gums should be scrubbed with soft brush with water only, or they can be cleaned with a special damp cloth. In the presence of more teeth, the parents should ensure that the children use toothbrush. Baby and children's toothbrushes are characterized by softness of hair.

Brushing should be done twice a day with children's toothpaste enriched with fluorine. The use of dental floss is introduced when there are already two teeth, one next to the other. During the first visit to the dentist, he/she can demonstrate the correct technique for cleaning with dental floss.

Experts recommend you to wait until the child learns to hold liquid without swallowing it, and then you can give the child mouthwash water. At what age is it normal for the child to take care of its own oral hygiene? If the parents have taught their children on time how to brush their teeth and use dental floss, then at the age of 3 or 4, the child will already have this habit. This is very important for its further growth.

The Danish word for milk teeth is Mlketnder and if you would like to know about them click on the link. If you want a good mouth rinse (The term for mouth rinse in Danish is Mundskyl), follow this link. You can use Google Translator to understand the websites which are in Danish.

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