Success contributes a great deal towards happiness and health. It is so because success provides a mental state of satisfaction and the physical means to happiness; this mental state and physical means also contribute towards good health. Of course, it is not necessary that all successful men and women are in good health. The rat race for success is often full of stress and indigestion! Still, looking at the opposite face of the coin, it becomes evident that it is very difficult to maintain good health and happiness when one is unsuccessful in life.
Before we proceed further, we my like to know the fundamentals of Success: 1.Have a Do or Die Desire to Be Successful!: For Success it is very essential that you have a do or dies desire for success. Decide this moment to be successful in all circumstances. Every morning decide that you will be successful and nothing and nobody would and could spoil your success.
2.Condition Your Mind to Success: Success comes to those who think in terms of success. Use affirmations and resolutions to condition your mind to success as if you have already achieved the success.
3.Have a Fixed, Definite, and All-Exclusive Aim of Life: Without a clear and over-powering air of life nothing is possible to be achieved. This aim should be like an obsession driving your life like crazy.
4.Plan for Success: No journey can be successfully completed without a road plan. Here road plan includes writing down ones aim (s), making resolutions and affirmations, periodically checking ones progress, and sticking to it despite failures.
5.Work Hard: Nothing can succeed without hard work. In addition to hard work one should work smart also. Working smart means going the extra mile, always being one step ahead in knowledge, innovation, and application of latest ideas, and keeping ones mind open.
6.Use Your Time Optimally: Make a To-Do list according to importance of task. Dont waste best productive time on routine matters like flipping through newspaper, magazines, and TV channels, checking and replying to routine emails, gossiping, telephoning, etc.
7.Keep Best Company: Keep the company of the best of the best. If you are a writer or scientist surround yourself with the best of them and become member of the best writers or scientists group. If you are a CEO employ the best available brains.
8.Be Happy! and Be Healthy!: Happiness and good health are also very essential for success. Many people with great potential for success leave their pursuit of success mid-way owing to falling health. Of course, life is more important than success, but if one follows Be Healthy! Fundamentals of Good Health, he or she will not have to be a failure due to bad health. Similarly, a person with happy attitude towards life keeps good health and can work better. He or she is liked by others which also contributes towards success.
9.Stick with it despite Failures: Success comes after repeated failures. Sometimes success keeps on awaiting us just a step ahead where we stumble. It is best to get up a move on.
10.Meditate and Pray: Develop the habit of meditation. Meditation fills the whole being with peace and calm. If you are religiously minded pray. Prayer also gives peace and calm and inner strength.
As success is the main reason why we make New Year Resolutions in the first place, and Christmas is immediately followed by New Year, it may be a good idea to give the gift of success on this Christmas to yourself and others.
I would recommend following success gifts for this Christmas:
Books, Audios, Videos, and MP3: Success depends a great deal on the inner motivation and inspiration. Success is a sort of burning desire, an addictive-possessive passion, and a haunting dream. The fire of this desire are fanned and directed by good inspirational books, audios, videos, and MP3s. Give the gift of these and the recipient will be thankful to you for his (successful) life.
Subliminal and Hypnotic Messages: The latest inspirational and motivational means are subliminal and hypnotic messages which can be had as MP3 downloads. These are the ultimate in inspirational and motivational helps. The best thing with these is that they can be downloaded, from some sites, in MP3 format.
Digital Reading Devices: Digital Reading Devices or Electronic Reading Devices are no longer the future of reading. They are the present! A successful person takes his library of reading material with him or her. There are thousands of public domain books which can be freely downloaded. Digital books etc. can also be downloaded toPC, Mobile. iPad, iPhone, Mac, Android, etc.
Magazines: A successful person remains up-to-date on issues of general interest and on his subject of business or speciality. He or she, therefore, reads appropriate magazines and newspapers. Subscription to these could be given as a much appreciated gift.
Electronic Items: A successful person uses the latest and smartest gadgets to remain on top of the world and ahead of his or her competitors. He or she has, therefore, the latest and slimmest laptop, mobile, and ipod. If your budget permits such gifts could also be given.
Personalized and Home-Made Gifts: Successful persons seem to have everything and sometime it becomes difficult to decide what to give them, especially if one's budget is tight. In such cases, it is best to give something the value of which is derived from its being personalized or home-made. You may give something very costly to a rich person and it may not be appreciated. But to the same person if you give something on which his or her name is engraved, it may become a proud possession!
Jewellery: Well, every woman dies for them. They may be perfect gifts for women and young girls, specially for one's sweet heart. Nothing can beat a jewellery item. Of course, great care and discernment is needed in the selection of the right item.
Dress and Accessories: A successful man or woman dresses distinctly. They make a success statement by their dress and accessories. There is great choice here. From formal dress to informal and casual, to hand bags, wallets, belts, ties, and shoes, etc. there is great choice and one could exploit this for a good gift.
Golf Set: Successful men blend leisure with business and golf is the game par excellence which successfully allows to do it. It also does not require great physical strength or fitness or contact and impact of other games. Best of all, it gives ample time and opportunity to socialize. Because of these, golf is increasingly becoming a very popular sport and business tool among executives. A golf set, therefore, is one of the choicest gift for successful men and women.
Unsuccessful Men and Women: Success requires hard work and persistence. However, some still don't succeed despite years of hard work. Some people are successful because of birth or circumstancesthe son or daughter of a film star is very likely to land his first role as the hero of a film; the son of a king is very likely to become a king, the son or daughter of a politician can easily inherit his or her parent's constituency seat, etc. On the other hand, a competent person may only rise up to a certain height depending on where from he or she started the upward journey. Furthermore, some people's life values may be different. Their definition of success may be different. An artist may prefer to remain poor and also risk not being successful in chosen field as well, than to run after money. So, unsuccessful men and women are not necessarily less deserving. They also deserve some good gifts. So don't forget them!
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