subject: Conducting a Missing Person Search Online [print this page] Conducting a Missing Person Search Online
Prior to the use of the Internet, locating a missing person was not a simple task. One would have to hire a private investigator or actively set out to find the person. However, now, with the use of missing person locate companies, most of which can be found online, this task is no longer a difficult one.
Every day, people across the U.S. go missing. Many do so intentionally in hopes to escape an obligation or a trouble such as paying child support/alimony, paying a debt, or to avoid law enforcement agencies/court systems that they are wanted by. Others may just appear to be missing, as they may have lost touch over years passing by. Regardless of the nature, it is possible for missing people to be found.
Some of the most common subjects that missing person locate companies search for include:
Business associates
Past employees
Old clients
Friendsand more.
A missing person locate search is usually inexpensive. At Asset Searches Plus, Inc., for example, a nationwide missing person locate search costs $125.00 and the results, which usually include a name, address, and phone number, are provided 1-2 business days from the day your request is received.
At least some of the following information should be included on your search request, in order for a search to be conducted:
Full name
Last known address
Last known city and state
Date of birth
Social Security #
Estimate of person's age
The more information provided, the higher the likelihood of the subject being found. If a first and last name is all that is given, and the search yields multiple matches, a list of those people with their names, addresses, and phone numbers will be provided in the report. If more information, such as a date of birth and social security number, are provided, the subject may be found in a more timely manner and the results will most likely be more specific.
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