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subject: American a short while accounted to appropriate 9,900,000 to buy 400 pairs of shoe [print this page]

American a short while accounted to appropriate 9,900,000 to buy 400 pairs of shoe

American a short while accounted to appropriate 9,900,000 to buy 400 pairs of shoe

A female accountancy California, the United States checks a Cha section to say on the 7th, 7 year, the total amount embezzles public funds USD 9,900,000 and bought 400 pairs of shoe and 160 purseses etc. merchandise, make the company being unaware of the truth are forced to reduce staff since low cost.The police says that 51-year-old Annie especially.

Invite for 2001-2007 years of Man Si and serve as Vibram Five Fingers for officer's period, make use of a job for many times, it then steals public funds.Inviting has to use USD 25,000 with the credit card for a week of Man Si, sherriff's mark& middot;Wa Er Na says that till next Monday, she chases Zhang with the public funds still up.The police says that invited Man Si to buy 160 unit prices with the public funds the shoe of USD 240,000 of or so purse and 400 pairs of total priceseses of USD 2000s, and be worth of the famous brand clothing of USD 300,000 .

Wa Er Na says that because of invite the Man Si is deeply subjected to trust, the company has never employed other companies launch audit to the Zhang eyes that she manages and consequently invite the thief of Man Si style the behavior has been don't being disheveled hair now.Isn't clear the company of inside in order to cope with the expenditure that increases day by day, Be forced to choose a Vibram Five Fingers. Until in February, 2008, the American Express bank discovers one of its company check drive move into a private bottom, invite the illegal act of Man Si just finally leaks out.She is dismissed by the company later on.Being charged a huge sum of thieves and burglars about the Man Si is jailed in the saint Die a jail in Ge City.

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