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Sacred Hindu Destinations In India

Sacred Hindu Destinations In India
Sacred Hindu Destinations In India

The uniqueness of Hinduism and Hindu practices has its root in the ethno-cultural diversity of the people of India and a myriad of customs practiced by them for centuries. Interaction between the members of different ethnicities resulted in creation of "Vedism" which believes in worshipping the trinity of Rain, Sun and Fire Gods. Hindu philosophy originally believed in the concept of animism which considers offering prayers to all the nature's objects like trees, rocks and rivers is now marked by following of stringent rites and codes.

This interesting co-existence of two approaches has left its impact on Hindu pilgrimages. Presence of nature's best gifts like astounding caves, lush green forests , flowing rivers etc at the site of Hindu pilgrimages reflects its association with the philosophy of animism. Importance of rituals, the second important approach of Hinduism practitioners can be observed by travelling to Hindu pilgrimages.

The current form of Hindu religion mainly idolizes lord shiva , Vishnu and shakti. All the Hindu places of religious worship are associated with the devotion to either one of these three major religious sects. Various forms of Lord Vishnu are praised all across India in the temples of Vrindavan , Badrinath, Kumbh Melas and Haridwar in Northern part of the country whereas these incarnations are also worshiped in the south in temples of Rameswaram and Tirupati and Puri in the east. In the same way, holy caves of Kedarnath and Amarnath have been believed to be sanctified because of their association with great Lord Shiva. The Cave of Vaishno Devi derived sacredness from Maa Vaishno Devi who was the embodiment of "Shakti". Balaji is another popular destination for pilgrims who believe in Lord Hanuman and sing his praise through Hanuman Chalisa.

Sacred Hindu destinations of Gangotri & Yamunotri where the devotees can enjoy the beautiful sceneries offered by holy rivers Ganga and Yamuna are also quite famous. Other popular pilgrimage destinations in India include Varanasi, the cultural capital of Hindus; Pancha Bhutha Linga temples; the Shakti Pitha temples; the Nava Graha Sthalas; the four Maths of Sri Adi Shankaracharyak and the seven holy rivers - the Ganga, the Yamuna, the Saraswati, the Godavari, the Narmada, the Kaveri and the Sarayu.

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