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Understanding Sensitive Teeth
Understanding Sensitive Teeth

Understanding Sensitive Teeth

What are the causes of sensitive teeth?

Wrong / Aggressive Brushing

Receding Gums

Tooth Decay

Dental Erosion

Broken Tooth

Teeth Grinding

Frequent Consumption Of Acidic Food And Drinks

What is sensitive tooth?

Sensitive teeth are the result from exposed dentin in the mouth.

Dentin is the tissue that makes up the inner layer of tooth.

Above the gumline, dentin is covered by a protective coating of enamel. Dentin is made up of thousands of microscopic channels, which contain fluid.

These channels lead to the nerves deep inside the tooth.

When tooth enamel is lost or when gums recede, dentin eventually becomes exposed and receptive to sensations, which cause painful nerve responses.

When hot, cold or sweet / sour foods and liquids contact the root surfaces they may stimulate the nerves, and will cause pain.

What can be done to avoid sensitive teeth?

Maintenance of healthy gums is one of the recommended best way to protect tooth dentin from exposure. The seal made between healthy gums, teeth and underlying bone provides protection by keeping highly sensitive root surfaces covered.

Adopting a thorough oral care regimen can prevent sensitive teeth.

Is sensitive teeth common?

Tooth sensitivity is very common and it has been estimated approximately half the population experiences tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity can come and go over time.

Visit your nearest Dental in Singapore for a more detailed advice.

They will recommend products that are out in the market right now that could help prevent and protect your teeth from sensitive teeth.

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