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subject: Heater Hire: A Different Way to Save Money on Your Heating Bills This Year [print this page]

Heater Hire: A Different Way to Save Money on Your Heating Bills This Year

It is another cold winter in the United Kingdom. Really cold. The kind of winter that makes you start to wish that you had hired a smaller office space, or bought a house with less inconveniently long rooms. How are you going to heat all that cold air without having to pay a fortune in extra heating bills? Use heater hire and you will find the gap is stopped quite nicely, without too much extra expense and without any guilt about cranking up the heat.

Here is the thing about UK winters these days: they last longer and they get colder. Traditional central heating can only do so much under these circumstances, particularly when the heating system is old or is being used to heat a whole building (like an office or a block of flats). In order to control the energy bills accrued by older installations, or multi dwelling, multi office central heating systems, you need to call in backup. It is cheaper and it is more environmental friendly and it works quicker too. When you use heater hire you will find that the extra assistance given by a portable electric or oil model is actually far more effective in terms of time to get warm than cranking up the central system would be.

How does that work then? It is usually a simple question of cubic space. If you have a central heating system, you will be introducing warmth by radiant heat. That warmth goes out by heating the air right in front of a radiator. The newly warm air then heats the air in front of it and so on. So even if you turn everything up, it still takes a long time for that heat to work its way out to the cold parts of a room. When you use heater hire you can fill in the gaps: heating the bits that are not getting warmed immediately.

There is another drawback to turning central heating up past a certain point (apart from the cost, which is painful in itself). A very hot radiator is dangerous. You can't sit too near it in case you burn. It also makes the air very close and stuffy and often gives off a horrible smell of burning dust and paint. It is much more pleasant and far safer to get some hired heating in and keep everything at a lower temperature, but with a more even distribution of units.

Here is another advantage to using heater hire as a gap filler: if you want to heat a very small place, like a single desk, without overriding the whole central heating system. Say you are working over a weekend but no one else is. You need to stay warm but you do not need to turn up the heat all over your building. If you get a hire heater in you can warm your immediate environment in minutes cheaply, efficiently and easily.

Using heater hire makes sense from every angle: environment, cost and ease of use. So rather than shivering through yet another lethal winter, why not think about getting in some reinforcements?

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