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Travel to the Past with Dorset Museums

Travel to the Past with Dorset Museums
Travel to the Past with Dorset Museums

For tourists who are looking for a way to enjoy holidays in Dorset, they can learn more about the remarkable history of the place by visiting its museums. While spending their Torqauy holidays, they can drive a few miles to Dorset to witness the famous historical places here. Some of the famous museums that should definitely be visited are the Russell-Cotes and Dorset County Museums.

Dorset County Museum

Travel to the Past with Dorset Museums

Visiting local County museum, specifically the Dorset County Museum, is also another way to spend holidays in Dorset. It is perfect for tourists who are interested in Jurassic Coast or have passion in the works of Thomas Hardy. This place offers a lot for visitors of Torquay holidays. All it takes is just a short drive and you can learn a lot about the local history of the place.

Lots of galleries are provided in this museum intended especially for wildlife, archeology, history and geology. In addition, the children can gain knowledge about how the Maiden Castle has fallen into the hands of Romans through the interactive films. Moreover, the kids can be amazed with the footprints of the dinosaurs while the other visitor of holidays in Dorset can see for themselves how the floor is designed with creative mosaic. It only shows that the museum is not just for adults as there are lots of attractions for visitors of all ages. In short, Dorset County Museum is an ideal place for people who are not looking for enjoyment during the Torquay holidays but are also willing to learn something new.

An Interactive Museum for the Whole Family

To experience great holidays in Dorset, it is recommended to visit some of the well-known museums in the world which are located in Bournemouth. Found in Victorian Villa, Bournemouth museum allows the tourists to see the amazing beaches which stretch for up to seven miles. Only a short drive is needed and the visitors of Torquay holidays can witness these awe-inspiring scenes.

People who come to spend holidays in Dorset will be amazed with the collectibles taken during Queen Victoria's reign. It also houses other artworks from different parts of the world. Not only vintage items are displayed as the works of modern artists are also shown. Aside from the historical artworks and collections, the museum also features different activities. There is a gallery known as Stories, Voices and Journeys which is specifically made for children. In this part of the museum, the kids can enjoy various fun-filled activities such as story recording, puzzles and artwork making.

With Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum, a lot of things about the past can really be enjoyed by the visitors of Torquay holidays. Not only does it feature the things in the past, but it also promotes stronger bonding between family members.

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