subject: The Importance Of Cross Links In Your Seo Strategy [print this page] When you are creating your website, the links on your site are going to effect how Google and the other search engines will analyze and rank your pages. Your site will have inbound links, outbound links, broken links and cross links. The inbounds links are the links that are on other sites that point to a page on your website. The outbound links are the links on your pages of your website that point to an external site. The broken links are links that simply do not work. The cross links are the links that point between the pages of your website. You will want to make sure that you site has all these types of links besides broken links. You want to always check your site to make sure you have no broken links that lead to error pages.
While your inbound and outbound links are an important factor of your website, the cross links within your website are very important to your visitors to be able to navigate your website. They will need a way to find useful and related content within your site. For example, if you have a page that is explaining the different steps to grooming your pet, a cross link to a page on your site with different grooming pet supplies would help your visitors. You will want your visitors to be able to easily move through the pages of your website that are topically related to one another.
When you are optimizing your website, you should provide as many cross links in your website as possible. There is not a downside to providing your visitors with reasonable cross links. When you use cross linking effectively, your visitors will tend to stay on your site longer. If they cannot find what they need on your site, they are going to look for it somewhere else.
One of the important reasons that you will use cross linking in your website is so that you have dispersal throughout your site. The goal of effective cross links is to be able to disperse your traffic throughout the relevant pages of your website.
by: Phillip Stone
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