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subject: Murad Resurgence Reviews: Not that Bad, but Not Perfect [print this page]

Murad Resurgence Reviews: Not that Bad, but Not Perfect

Murad Resurgence is an anti-wrinkle brand made up of three products. The Age diffusing serum, the Age balancing night cream and the Renewal Cleansing serum should all be used in order for the skin to be restored to its healthy and younger looking self. The science behind this brand is that it is a system of products specially designed to bring back luster and stimulate cellular production to give the skin a youthful and brighter glow.

In terms of effectiveness, Murad Resurgence reviews are mostly average. For the Renewal Cleansing cream, reviews were mainly neutral. It is a respectable moisturizing cleanser which you can also use to exfoliate. Despite of its moisturizing capabilities, however, some professionals doubt as to whether this cleansing cream is effective in the anti aging concept or in being a moisturizer only.

As for the Age diffusing serum, Murad Resurgence reviews for this product are pretty average. Just like the cleansing cream, it feels good on the skin but sadly, is not actually capable in curing wrinkles. Instead, the diffusing serum can be categorized more as a preventive treatment. It can give your skin improved radiance but if you already have well-developed wrinkles, then this product is no good for you because it does not do anything to remove already existing facial lines.

Last but not the least is the Age Balancing Night cream. As compared to the other two, the Murad Resurgence reviews of this product are pretty impressive. Scientifically speaking, it is the only legitimately impressive part of this system of three because of the concept behind its functioning. The night cream focuses on cellular turnover and intense hydration to increase the elasticity of aged skin. In terms of its formulation, it can be considered as the most well-balanced product in this system.

Overall, Murad Resurgence reviews are average. This system is not that bad but it is not perfect either way.

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