subject: Ayurveda Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome/Grahani - An introspection [print this page] Ayurveda Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome/Grahani - An introspection
The patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome or other wise I.B.S,which is mentioned in Ayurveda treatises as GRAHANI, approaching me have many a times been such persons who were exposed to a lot of stress, with irregular food timings, and people who often eat food items prepared in hotels or restaurants. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder. I am hereby listing the symptoms complained by the patients of IBS, to me.
About 70 % of my clients complain of Alternating bowel habits (say diarrhea alternating with constipation)
Otherwise with inconsistent formation of stools, usually referred in layman's language as pasty stools - nearly 60%
Increase frequency of passing stools- (say 3 to 5 times a day) nearly 40%
Difficulty in evacuating the stools completely. (technically referred as tenesmus- i.e ineffectual urging or evacuation of stools) nearly 50%
Mild low back ache or (this may be due to some fibromyalgic changes occurring at the low back) nearly 30%
Mild head ache while passing the bowels (due to increased intra cranial pressure caused by the strain in evacuating the bowels ) nearly 10%
Many of them feel extremely exhausted and tired on completion of the bowel movements, almost felt in nearly 80% of my clients, specifically speaking of which 60% of the elderly patients very often complain of this symptom
Sensation of something worm like moving inside the abdomen causing gar-bur sounds.( which is technically called Borborygmi)
About 4 cases of women, who had Polycystic ovarian disease too had complaints similar to IBS other than that of PCOD. Of which 2 cases responded well to the Ayurveda medicines with respect to both PCOD & IBS, where as the other two did not respond, hence they were REFERRED to a GYNAEC SURGEON for getting operated for PCOD, after which they got completely relieved from IBS.
Nearly 75% of cases of IBS come across by me, had this bloating of abdomen as their symptom. Such clients, always felt that they do not feel like eating because of 2 reasons. The first one being they feel satiated with a few morsels of food and the second reason is that they feel like evacuating their bowels when ever they have meals specifically when served hot ( this may be because of the stimulation of the vagus nerve , which controls the majority of the gastro intestinal structures starting from mouth to the anus)
Last but not the least, nearly 60% of the clients complain of some sort of lower abdominal discomfort in the form of pain or cramps.
The worst of all these symptoms is, blood in the stools, nearly 30 % of my patients complain of this. It is this particular symptom very often confuses a physician in making a proper diagnosis,that too specifically when he could not get proper co-operation from the patient in the form of explanation of the complete details of his problem while taking the history of his case.One cannot ignore this symptom, caused due to the ulcerations in the colon,technically referred as Ulcerative Colitis. In spite of being sure that the cause for bleeding might be an ulceration in the colon, considering the importance of eliminating the doubt with relevance to the incidence of carcinoma of colon as the cause, it become some times un avoidable for a physician to advice the patient to undergo, Colonoscopy, that too specifically speaking when the patient do not respond to any sort of haemostatic drugs(medicines which control the bleeding) he is subjected to. I usually do not prefer subjecting my patients to unnecessary investigations, but I had to advice 3 of my cases with such a case of uncontrollable rectal bleeding. Fortunately of which one case was not of carcinogenic bleeding, but the other two was suffering from Rectal cancer and Malignant polyp in colon. These two cases were referred to an Oncologist for further clinical evaluations. Luckily, I was able to help those two clients, by god's grace in a very short period of time (say 5 to 10 days of meeting myself) .
Treatment given for patients with IBS and its clinical responses :
A Kashayam prepared with nearly 12 herbal drugs of which one of the ingredient is curry leaves
A capsule prepared with Thrivrth as one of it's ingredients. Thrivrth alone when taken acts as a laxative but when taken with the combination of certain other drugs helps in alleviating the irritation caused in the bowels.
A tablet prepared with garlic processed with juices of fruits like pomegranate, the process of preparing this medicine takes nearly 12 days to complete.
Clinical Responses of the above preparations in IBS cases taken for study :
Tenesmus was felt in 60 patients amongst the total of 120 cases selected for this study. It is to be noted that these 120 cases gave a frequent feed back, with out which this study would have not been possible.Amongst these 60 patients, tenesmus got controlled with in --10 days in 40 cases
15 days in 14 cases;
20 days in 06 cases.
Bloating of abdomen was felt in 62 patients amongst 120 cases, of which it got controlled with in--
5 days in 20 cases
10 days in 28 cases
15 days in 14 cases
Alternating bowel habit(diarrhoea alternating with constipation) was felt in 50 patients amongst the
total of 120 cases,which got controlled with in -- 05 days in 20 cases
10 days in 12 cases
15 days in 18 cases
Frequency of bowels were observed in 33 patients amongst the 120 cases,
which got controlled with in ................. -- 10 days in 13 cases
1 month in 16 cases
1 to 2 month in 4 cases
Amongst the 50 cases out of 120 cases, lower abdominal pain was observed, almost in all cases the colic got controlled with in 2 to 6 days of medication.
Blood in stools were found to be present in 25 cases amongst the total of 120, of which
the bleeding got arrested with in .............. 3 days in 18 cases
5 days in 5 cases
bleeding was on and off
in 2 cases.
Tiredness was observed to be present in 67 patients amongst the 120 cases considered for this study,
of which it got controlled with in 3 weeks in 36 cases
4 to 6 weeks in 31 cases
Conclusion : In all the above cases that underwent treatment for IBS with the above medicines, the quality of life improved for the next 1 to 2 years, during which period they were either totally asymptomatic, or with much lesser degree of symptoms. This 3 year long study of IBS, thus makes one thing for sure that it is Yapya (controllable when under medication but not completely curable) as said by the ancient sages while describing the prognosis of Grahani ( Irritable bowel syndrome).
I hope this blog of mine, gives hope in the mind of readers regarding the efficacy of improving the quality of the life in persons, suffering from, the most annoying and trouble some disease of the stress filled modern era, the IBS.
I owe all the credit in giving relief to the above cases to the lotus feet of the Almighty.
Warm regards to all those who read this.
"Let humanity live in peace and health".
"Sarve Janaah Sukhinoh Bhavanthuh ".
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