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North American Power Pennsylvania

North American Power Pennsylvania
North American Power Pennsylvania

If you reside in MD, PA or CT and are reading this article, you have probably already heard of North American Power. This is a new energy supplier that can charge you a lower rate for your electricity and natural gas.

Well...for many of us Pennsylvania residents, this is a very exciting time. NAP is now available in two of the largest territories in the Keystone state - PP&L (August 21, 2010) and PECO (October 28, 2010). This has created such a buzz in areas like Philadelphia that even the local 'Inquirer' newspaper has written multiple articles on these recent events.

If you would like to read these articles visit:

So what's the big deal? Well, for NAP energy brokers, it is a HUGE deal. The PECO utility company alone, has over 1.6 million customers. Just to put things into perspective, the Allentown based PP&L has already switched over 500,000 customers, having a year head start on PECO. North American Power energy brokers in Pennsylvania who take this seriously can reap the rewards of such great timing.

PECO's rate will be raised to 9.92 cents/ kWh beginning Jan 1, 2011. NAP's new rate for PECO customers will be $0.0899 per kWh, allowing them to save just around 10% on their energy bill.

As a PECO customer myself, I would recommend that you compare all the rates available and shop around. NAP's rate will unequivocally be one of the lowest rates available and always stay competitive in the energy marketplace.

To calculate your potential savings in PP&L or PECO visit:

As a potential NAP energy broker in the Philadelphia area I would tell you to not delay. The entrance fee to become an energy broker is only $49. This is an excellent way to create some part time income and if you do well enough, maybe a full time income. Either way you look at this, the timing couldn't be better.

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