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Hyperhidrosis: Treatment & Medication
Hyperhidrosis: Treatment & Medication

Isolation from home food due to junk food is seen very common now. In this way they lack all the vitamins, supplements very useful for body. Unwanted fats get accumulated due to Junk foods. Abdomen is most visible area of body which is affected and while reducing the mass over it people lead to excessive sweating. Junk foods comprise of white flour, yeast, cheese which fats of body. Junk food is directly proportional to excess Hyperhidrosis.

A concept of meal deficiency is more known now. Many people with fewer intakes of meals are underweight and suffer plantar and palmar Hyperhidrosis. In these particular cases perspiration is due to under weight problem. Milk and bananas have calorific value. It's cool fruit with rich in minerals and vitamins. Heat of body increases as metabolic rate decreases and causes sweating. Milk and honey will be warm and beneficial. Pure honey can act as medicine. Take a teaspoon daily with 1 glass of milk and at night. Honey should be unheated and in light color if available. A poor incarnated body can face more sweating.

Person has to be very self motivated as anxieties and nervousness can also cause excessive sweating. Sudden mood swings and increase in hormone levels increases sweating. From very calm to very hyper extreme levels the brain sends messages to sweat glands which trigger the excess iodine content to maintain the body temperature. Enjoy life utmost with games, outdoor activities and laughter. Don't down yourself always with feelings like flying too high to miss heavens. Life is full of instances to fill you with jitter and excitement. Few channelize energy properly and few ooze the energy of body via sweat. Healthy balanced diet is way to ideal body and soul.

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