subject: Do You Need Help With ADHD? Look At These Facts Before You Decide Any Treatment For Your Child [print this page] Do You Need Help With ADHD? Look At These Facts Before You Decide Any Treatment For Your Child
If you need help with ADHD, you should be aware of a few facts before deciding on any kind of treatment. Surely there is a treatment which will calm down the restlessness, the fidgeting, the inappropriate behavior and the lack of concentration? Look at the facts below. They are all taken from the world we live in, not another planet, unfortunately!
Did you know there is a sizable number of students who take Adderall illegally as a study aid? They got these drugs from kids who are on these medications themselves for ADHD. The risk of getting hallucinations, sudden death or a seizure does not seem to worry them at all. All they want to do is to pass their exams. But at what cost?
The problem was highlighted recently in a survey done at James Madison University. Anything between 5% and 35% of students, when surveyed, admitted that they took this drug illegally to help them get through the exams. This is a felony and nobody seems to care. The chances of getting caught are minimal, let's face it. But where do they get these drugs? As I mentioned above, mainly from ADHD kids on these meds who are only too willing to sell them an Adderall tablet for $15 which is the going rate. Is this the right environment when children need help with ADHD?
The second fact is this. Drugs are not the answer to solving any ADHD problems so if you need help with ADHD, these are not the answer unfortunately. All the responsible medical authorities such as The American Academy of Pediatrics to the CDC and the NIMH are now recommending that a comprehensive treatment approach should be adopted. The ADHD drugs are really just a stop gap solution.
Yes, they can calm a child down but that is about all they can do. Other experts have pointed out that after three years, the effects of these medications will start to wear off and the child will have learned none of the coping and life skills he needs. Imagine losing out on three years of your life when you are growing up and developing your brain. That is what is happening to so many kids across the nation.
The facts are that the only ADHD kids who really make it into adulthood as balanced and happy individuals are those who have been parented properly using child behavior modification techniques. They were also on a program which included green time, a proper balanced diet and they were on very little medication. Some of these kids were greatly helped by homeopathic remedies.
Another fact to bear in mind is that that there is not one study that I know of which shows that these remedies have side effects or that there is any risk of a health hazard or problem. There is not one that shows that. There are plenty to show that this is scientifically impossible but that is a sterile argument. If it is safe and effective, then these are the criteria I want to adopt for my child. If you agree and you need help with ADHD, why not click through to my website where you will find a lot more information.
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