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subject: Get Rid Of Your Facial Hair With One Easy Move [print this page]

Facial hair on women is something that can be shameful, and the methods that are generally used to get rid of the hair are painful and time consuming. Now there is the option of laser hair removal and in just a few treatments, you can be rid of it permanently.

Many women find this incredibly stressful. Because it is not typically socially acceptable, women go to great lengths to rid themselves of it. Whether they try to hide it with bleach, or apply creams that aren't exactly gentle, or go through the painful waxing process, the lengths women go to can be painful and time-consuming.

What if you could get rid of it all? With laser treatment, you can. There are two types of hair removal and the first is the laser method. This is for people with lighter skin tones and darker hair. The laser can harm some darker skin tones.

The laser works by targeting small areas (like the eyebrows, or the upper lip) and it shoots a high intensity beam on the skin that blasts the hair away. Each area can take about fifteen to twenty minutes to get done, and you will need four to six treatments for lasting effects. Most people say that it feels like a rubber band snapping against your skin, so the pain isn't supposed to be too bad. It is important to know that lasers don't work very well on light locks, as they target the pigment in the follicle.

The second option is electrolysis. This is for all skin tones. Electrolysis works by targeting individual hair follicles, so it is a more lengthy treatment than the laser treatment. A benefit to this method is that is approved for permanent removal. It is said to be a bit more painful than the laser treatments, but it is also more effective over a longer period of time. This is also better for lighter hair as it is not just targeting the pigments, but the actual follicle.

Whichever method you choose, you're likely going to love the results. It is incredibly important to go to a board-certified physician and to make sure that he or she has experience. If done improperly, you can get scars or excessive pain. Making sure to get referrals and to get all of your questions answered is something that you need to be sure to do. After everything is researched and all of your questions are answered, you will be on your way to a life free of painful hair removal methods.

by: Abigail Aaronson

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