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subject: What Are The Best Sites For Watching Tv Online? [print this page]

What Are The Best Sites For Watching Tv Online?

You know the drill: You flip through the gazillion channels on TV and you find that there is just nothing worth bothering to watch. Then you rip open the cable bill. $150. Ouch. Sure you could go ahead and pay for a pay per view. At $15 bucks a pop that's an awful lot of money though. What to do, what to do? Well, how about checking out our Internet TV reviews. Here are three hot services which are sure to get your eyes blazing:

1.Hulu, the granddaddy of the Internet TV services (well, not really the granddaddy since Youtube came out long before they did, but Hulu was the first to offer us full length professional TV shows) is of course well known. There are a large number of choices at the site including dozens of TV shows ranging from Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader to old rerun episodes of the A-Team. However even here there are problems.

First of all, you need to deal with commercials, which isn't such a big deal I suppose, but it can get irritating since the commercials like everything else take time to load. Worse, many of the "shows" at Hulu are actually just clips which means that you are stuck with watching a 30 second commercial in exchange for watching a 2 minute clip. To me, that's just wrong. You can specify only full length shows, but you need to specify it after each new show comes up.

There is no way to simply tell Hulu that you never want the option of seeing the 2 minutes clips. The interface is also a little annoying since it's completely non graphical to use.

2.Continuing our Internet TV reviews, we come to Joost. This site operates very similarly to Hulu and has a similar selection, though you will find a handful of shows available here that are not available on Hulu. The site also attempts to recreate the look and feel of the old Joost software which gave Internet TV a more graphical sort of a look.

3.Last but not least is AOL TV. This site is really an amalgam of different sites which can be really annoying to follow. Yes, you can watch TV through the site, but each different section of the site has different rules and even different players.

Some of the material is streamed from Hulu, some from AOL's own service, some from third party services such as ABC and each part that you may wish to watch requires that you learn the quirks of that service. It would be nice if they could find a way to standardize everything with one interface and the issue of who shows you the material is left under the hood.

Well there you have it folks, the next time you're bored and looking for something to see, check out our Internet TV review and surf your way to television heaven.

by: Richard Cunningham

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