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subject: Earn $100 a Day From Home: How to Parlay PASSION and Your KEYBOARD Into an Avalanche of Cash! [print this page]

Earn $100 a Day From Home: How to Parlay PASSION and Your KEYBOARD Into an Avalanche of Cash!

Earn $100 a Day From Home: How to Parlay PASSION and Your KEYBOARD Into an Avalanche of Cash!

Who else could use an extra $100 a day? What would you spend it on? Would you pay down your bills? Take a well deserved vacation? Save for your kids college education, or simply stick in the bank for a rainy day? It's amazing to me how many people are either unemployed, under-employed or stuck like chuck in jobs they hate, and careers that make them miserable day in, and day out. The good news is, you DON'T need to settle for less than you are worth, and if you are one of the few people reading this right now who WILL actually take some action, your life vest is immediately below.

Ask yourself this...

What do you LOVE to do? To talk about? Or even better...WRITE about? The truth is, there is PROFIT in your "prose", and all you need to do to EARN it is get started.

Here is what I do:

Find topics you are passionate about, and can speak about with authority and expertise (it can be entrepreneurialism, baking, nutrition, mechanics, makes NO difference as long as there is a reasonable amount of people who share your passion)

Find the BEST affiliate programs for the topic you choose to write about (search for high EPC programs using networks like CJ, or other free to join affiliate clearinghouses)

Register a domain name (can even be for 99 cents!) and forward it DIRECTLY to the affiliate program you chose above (use a server side re-direct, or simply use HTML code in the page itself if your host doesn't offer that, most do)

Start writing and submitting articles to the high page rank and well trusted content directories, and drive your visitors, the ones who want to learn more, to the domain you registered above

That's it. It works like magic in just about EVERY niche under the sun, the bigger the niche, the more high paying programs you can find to promote.

Remember, EVEN if you can't find a good affiliate program, which is can (and SHOULD) be able to codify your OWN content into a curriculum you can offer to these readers for sale...which can make you FAR more than $100 a day, and make it happen in a hurry to boot!

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