subject: The Guide To Purchasing A Shuttle Bus [print this page] A shuttle bus can be an incredibly worthwhile investment if you know what to look for and buy carefully. Remember, you get what you pay for! One of the first things you want to think about is the different shuttle buses that are available, so you can determine which would be best for you. The most popular shuttles are church buses, tour buses, handicapped buses and the circulating shuttles, which usually run on a continuous basis, for example at an airport or campus to take commuters from a lot to various key points on the campus. Used buses from these sources have higher mileage and are often diesel powered. Diesel engines average more than double the life of gas powered ones as measured in miles. Since they are often used for hire, the majority fall under "DOT" maintenance and inspection rules. These buses can make for a great purchase despite high mileage at a fair price. Make sure they are reconditioned and well inspected before completing your purchase.
There is also the jitney shuttle service, which would tend to run through busier areas, and typically are used for privately owned companies. Jitneys usually transport publicly, taking passengers to key areas around the city, and some jitneys will also even make runs from suburbia to downtown areas for a modest fare.
Perhaps you are looking for a shuttle bus to accommodate persons with special needs such as a medical transport bus, senior center bus, adult day care bus, medical transport shuttle, senior center shuttle, adult day care shuttle, medical transport van, senior center van, adult day care van, and more. Many shuttle buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts. These buses are necessities at assisted living facilities, independent living residences and better nursing homes. Used ones from these sources often have low mileage but require substantial reconditioning.
Most handicapped individuals will need the assistance of a wheelchair lift and a properly trained driver or attendant to get onto the bus, and you need to make sure that any wheelchair or other lift that you use is well maintained in order to avoid accidents, such as malfunctions which could end up leaving someone stranded several feet off the ground.
The type of seating that you get in your bus is also very important, and the two basic choices that you have are cloth seating and vinyl seating. Cloth seating is preferred by most because it is more comfortable, as smooth seating has a lower friction coefficient, which means that the passengers are more likely to slide off the seats if there is a sudden shift in bus momentum. Vinyl seating is preferable for senior citizens because it cleans up easier and does not retain odors to the same extent as cloth seating.
All of this information is important to take into consideration before buying a bus, and as long as you take your time, find an honest and experienced dealer and put a decent amount of effort into the process, you should come out with some really great results.
Please visit for our full inventory or contact Charlie at 516-333-7483 or for more information. We hope to hear from you soon!
by: Charlie
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