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subject: A powerful Indepth Peek At The Life and Times of Todd Tobin [print this page]

A powerful Indepth Peek At The Life and Times of Todd Tobin

A powerful Indepth Peek At The Life and Times of Todd Tobin

Life long Kansas City Resident Todd Tobin continues to be an advocate for education for his entire career. He was aware he wanted to be an instructor at a early age and has become a high school history teacher after receiving his bachelor's degree from the University of Missouri. He later on proceeded to obtain his Masters in Education from Webster University. Tobin taught history to grades nine through 12 at a few high schools in the Kansas City Missouri School District for 20 years before returning to law school at the University of Missouri Kansas City. His law practice now is focused on advocating for troubled youths and directing them towards rehabilitation in lieu of detention centers. Tobin is married to his college sweetheart, Annelise. The happy couple has three adult daughters and five grandchildren.

A powerful Indepth Peek At The Life and Times of Todd Tobin

Tobin's career as a high school teacher took him on a tour of inner city high schools that left him disappointed concerning the lack of advocacy on the behalf of troubled students. Moms and dads who were overtaxed working several jobs in order to maintain the family above water or parents who had been absent because of a number of less altruistic causes were the ugly circumstance of greater than 50% of students in inner city high schools. He observed how easily the kids could be swayed off track and how more and more kids had been great students before insufficient guidance and lack of economical opportunities caused them to go on a different path in life.

Tobin runs after school and weekend tutoring courses to provide these troubled students an area to go that's an alternative choice to standing around on the streets. He has established an internship course in his thriving law practice to supply avenues of education that might otherwise not be open to a few of these students. Tobin's wife Annelise is in addition an educator and participates within these courses with her husband. Two of the couple's daughters are also totally active in the tutoring program and internships. Tobin's oldest daughter, Caralynn is an attorney in his firm and his youngest daughter Sondra is an elementary school teacher. Their middle daughter, Kirsten is an actress in New York City.

If Tobin isn't advocating for disadvantaged youth or helping to further their education, he likes to travel to New York City with his wife to visit their daughter Kirsten. Tobin and Annelise are huge fans of Broadway making a point of seeing at the least a show or two on every single visit to New York. The entire family recently took a cruise through the Mexican Riviera to observe Todd and Annelise's 40th wedding anniversary. Nobody in the Tobin family dares mention that Todd is getting close to retirement. Education and advocacy are actually his life's calling and his wife and daughters absolutely expect him to be an engaged participant in the firm he built until the day he dies.

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