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subject: Cufflinks: A Fashion Statement by:Mike Tan [print this page]

There are many types of cufflinks in the market these days. First, cufflinks are typically made from one of these base materials; rhodium, platinum, silver or gold. Secondly, they also come in various shades of colors, giving the wearer a whole host of choices when it comes to matching his them to his dressing. Lastly, designers are also getting increasingly creative with the design of the face of the cufflinks. Traditionally, the face consists of either precious stones or jewels. However, with the arrival of technology, we see various different types of cufflinks, ranging from mother-of-pearl, enamel, plastic, engravable, and fiber-optics / cat's eyes.

The price of cufflinks has also come down significantly over the years, as companies find ways to produce them at affordable prices. While the price may have reduced, their quality is still very good as the process to manufacture cufflinks does not require high technology or knowledge. As such, it is common these days for the middle-class to wear cufflinks compared to back in the 18th and 19th centuries where they can only be afforded by the wealthy.

In order to heighten one's style and personality, one should select his cufflinks wisely, in accordance to the theme of his dressing and also the occasion that he is attending. In the event of a job interview, it is advised that the interviewee should wear simple elegant classic cufflinks if he wants to create a strong first impression of class. He should avoid childish ones like superheroes logos such as Batman or Spiderman.

However, if he is attending an informal gathering with a bunch of friends who loves sports, he could easily pull-off a pair of sports related cufflinks, such as one with a golf club and a golf ball. That would definitely be a conversation starter. Similarly, if he is attending a Star Trek convention, a pair of Delta Shield cufflinks would be the envy of many of the participants!

Music lovers who like to attend orchestra concerts will look impeccable with a pair of treble clef and music notation cufflinks on his Armani French cuffs and suit. On the other hand, a casually dressed youngster will look equally stylish with a pair of trendy iPod cufflinks, to match his actual iPod gadget! Just make sure the color of your sneakers matches your cufflinks!

By carefully selecting a pair of cufflinks, one can make that fashion statement to show off his personality and uniqueness. A wisely selected pair can make the wearer stand out in the middle of a crowd, getting the attention that he wants, and perhaps even getting lucky with the ladies!

About the author

Mike is the owner and founder of . He developed a fascination for cufflinks since his first encounter with them many years ago. Nowadays, he wears them almost on a daily basis and enjoys talking about his collection. Feel free to visit his site: Cufflinks2Wear

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