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subject: Cutting Hair At Home? - Step By Step Procedures To Cut Hair Efficiently by:Thomas Jens [print this page]

It's not a hard job to cut hair at home, but may become tedious if don't follow the proper step by step procedure followed in this article. Lots of people try to cut their own hair at home but result in unsatisfactory results. Why? What will be the reason? As I said without any knowledge and technique if you run cutting your own hair it will definitely fail. Always keep in mind cutting hair of someone else is easier than cutting your own hair. Hence you should have proper knowledge of what you are going to do and how to start?

If you want to learn to cut hair efficiently, following essential step will help you in providing satisfactory results for cutting hair at home:-

1. This is the most important and essential step here you have to gather all the required accessories in your desk or place where you are planning to cut your hair. First select a place where it is easy to observe yourself in a mirror, than gather the following accessories - pair of scissors, a comb, water on a spray bottle, towel, shampoo, powder, and a first aid kit.

2. After you have done with the gathering of essential accessories, keep yourself calm, don't be in hurry or you will ruin everything. Check your hair from every angle and decide a suitable style you want.

3. Shampoo your hair before starting to cut so that it is easy and sophisticated, if you have just shampooed than there is no need to do it again. Just spray some water to make it damp, its easy to cut hair when they are moist.

4. Now take the comb and make partition of your hair according to the style if you are planning to make a typical hair style make more partition and for simple hair cut two partitions are enough. Observe each partition carefully and examine where you have long and short hair.

5. After you finish examining, with the help of you comb select a single partition and lift it up to a certain level. This decides how long or short hair you want, so lift the comb accordingly.

6. After lifting the partition with the help of your fingers and scissor cut the hair, basically half inch is the normal size to lift the comb. It totally depends on your choice how you want to keep you hair style.

Continue cutting each partition following same steps and keep checking in between so that you can get an idea if you are going the right direction or not. Following these essential tips you will definitely get satisfactory results.

About the author

After lifting the partition with the help of your fingers and scissor cut the hair, basically half inch is the normal size to lift the comb. It totally depends on your choice how you want to keep you hair style.

Continue cutting each partition following same steps and keep checking in between so that you can get an idea if you are going the right direction or not. Following these essential tips you will definitely get satisfactory results.

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