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subject: The Importance Of Proper Domain Config In Your Seo Strategy [print this page]

The Importance Of Proper Domain Config In Your Seo Strategy

When you are going to purchase a domain name, you want to make sure that you are choosing the right domain name for your website. Good domains are becoming scarce by the day to find. When you happen to find a good domain name that is available, you better hurry and register it. This domain will then become one of your assets. You have to think of what you plan on doing with your site in the future

If you have not decided on a name for your website or a domain, you might want to think about if you want to create a brand for your business. You might be asking yourself what is a brand. A brand consists of things that are associated to a person, company or a service. Think of the brand Amazon. You probably associate the brand Amazon with books. Now Amazon is known for not only selling books, but selling many different products. Think about the domain of Google. This started out as something so simple that now means so many different things. If you want to start your own brand, try to think of something unique that you will be able to build with.

If you have a website that is niche related, you might want to consider buying a generic domain name. Your generic domain name should include target keywords. While there is no evidence that suggests that Google or other search engines take the keywords in a domain into consideration when ranking, studies have shown that people are more likely to click on a search engine listing that has a domain name that includes keywords that they are searching for.

If you are trying to find a domain name that you can create a brand with, you might find it difficult to include your target keywords in the domain. If adding a target keyword to your domain will conflict with your domains brand building efforts, you might want to consider your target keywords in a byline. With adding a byline, you are able to describe what you do that includes your target keywords. Bylines will become an important part of your branding efforts in the long run.

Remember to carefully explore your options when you decide on a domain name to register. If you are thinking of building a permanent domain name that reflects the brand you want to build, avoid using a domain with hyphens. Use your imagination and create a domain name that is catchy that your visitors will remember.

by: Phillip Stone

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