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subject: Masters Degree Nursing (msn): Nurses Who Have It Still Wanted In This Recession [print this page]

If you're consider pursuing a nursing career and have heard about the critical shortage of nurses that already is underway in this country, you also may have heard that some newly minted nurses are having a hard time finding positions.

And you very well may be asking yourself: "If there's a shortage, why are these nurses not finding work and, if they're not, should I really spend the time and the money and earn a degree such as a masters degree nursing?"

In short, yes, there is something of a "glut" of newly minted nurses right now. However the current overabundance of registered nurses is only temporary; individuals with masters degree nursing will be in demand for decades to come.

A Nursing Career Will be in Demand for Decades

Health Affairs: A Policy Journal of the Health Field reported in its June 2009 online issue that some new nurses were having a more difficult time finding work because other, more experienced nurses were postponing retirement, going back to work when a spouse was laid off, or increased their hours due to a spouse's job loss.

However, the journal reported "large shortages are still expected in the next decade. Until nursing education capacity is increased, future imbalances in the nurse labor market will be unavoidable."

Which is terrific news for anyone with a bachelor's degree who wishes to pursue this important and vital career field.

Registered nurses make, on average, $50,000 with three years of experience, while nurses with a masters degree nursing or other advanced nursing degree, earn an average of $72,000.

Several nursing schools in Los Angeles and many around the country offer persons with a bachelor's degree in any subject the opportunity to train for an RN license and then go on to earn a master of science in nursing degree. The RN portion of the training can take as little as 18 months of full-time study, while the MSN portion of the program is taken while working as an RN. Nursing schools in Los Angeles often offer a hybrid online/offline MSN education, as well.

As you research nursing schools, be sure that the school you choose is accredited. Attending an accredited masters degree nursing school means you will be able to apply for and receive federally funded financial aid as well as monies from state entitlement programs.

As a graduate of an accredited masters degree nursing program, you also may have a leg up on the job market. Nursing schools must pass stringent requirements to become accredited and employers know that accredited programs produce well-trained and competent nurses.

by: Jean Henshaw

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