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subject: Killer Video Squeeze Pages Review [print this page]

Killer Video Squeeze Pages review can solve many problems we have heard people experience when trying to use video in their marketing. Here is how Ken Walker and David Nayavich explain their products features and what it can do for you.

Problem: I don't know how to build a squeeze page or a video

Ken & David: Each month you will get five custom designed video squeeze pages. Each squeeze page is custom designed for optimum. Each month you'll also get five professionally designed flash videos for those squeeze pages. These videos are what separates an average page from a page that converts traffic into cash! You not only get the complete video squeeze page all setup and ready for you to cash in, but you will also have access to each individual video to do whatever you want with it.

Problem: I don't know what products to sell

Ken & David: Each squeeze page will automatically promote a hand-selected top selling Clickbank product.

Problem: I don't know what to offer to get opt-ins.

Ken & David: Each month you'll get five free giveaway offers. If you want to build a huge list you need to give your visitors something of value. Each month you'll receive everything you need to build your list, including a giveaway product.

Problem: I don't know what emails to send to my list.

Ken & David: Each month you'll get five complete sets of autoresponder emails ready for you to plug into your autoresponder. No more copywriting hassles. Now you can get into any niche even if you are not familiar with it at all.

Killer Video Squeeze Pages is a monthly membership site that provides you with the resources above, but Ken and David do say you have to do some work. You'll upload the squeeze pages to your host account, upload the autoresponder messages to your autoresponder and get traffic to your new squeeze pages. They say they will explain this in their step by step video tutorials.

by: Ina Timmins

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