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subject: Sell Yourself! Not Your Mlm Business [print this page]

Sell Yourself! Not Your Mlm Business

The mlm business you started is not quite building as fast as you hoped. Working diligently everyday is not producing the results you had wished for. When approaching your friends or strangers, they do not seem to be receptive to your business proposition. Some of your potential customers might even get condescending and try to belittle you for being involved in mlm. They tell you they know it's a pyramid scheme and you are stupid for being involved in such a scam. What is your reaction to such a statement? How does it make you feel? This is why you must stop selling your mlm business.

First of all, to be successful, you have to make the customers come to you. Quit chasing your prospects. The more you chase the more they will run. I guarantee it. The only thing that will come from this technique is alienation from your friends and family. Odds are your friends and family is not interested in having their own business. Most people are content having their corporate or factory job and have no desire for anything else in life. Stop wasting your time and energy on this kind of prospecting. It serves no purpose except for creating doubts about yourself and your mlm business.

Sell Yourself! Not Your Mlm Business

Next, you have to start working and improving your self image and confidence. Start practicing self improvement methods everyday without fail. This is not an optional exercise if you truly want success in your life. If you do not know how to accomplish this, start by buying some books and begin reading right away. When you start exuberating confidence and believe in yourself, people will start flocking toward you. Why? Because they want to be like you and have what you have in life. If someone does question you about an mlm being a scam again, you will have the self-assurance to smile and respond with "I am sorry you feel that way Joe" or something similar. What ever your response, just make sure there is no conversation about trying to convince him otherwise. Change the subject or walk away and never belittle "Joe" for his beliefs or opinions. One day "Joe" might change his mind and come to you and for this reason, make sure you appreciate him as a person.

Remember above all else, if you truly have the desire and confidence, then you will succeed in your new business. There should be no doubts about where you want your life to head for your happiness. If you truly do not want to help people or be a leader, stop now and choose another profession. Network marketing is all about establishing relationships based on friendship and trust.

by: Shawni Groezinger

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