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subject: VACUUM IN THE SOUL [print this page]


The train chugged along

unknown territories

hooting sirens at intervals.

An angry sun was

spitting fire into the

compartments arranged

like tinder boxes in a row.

Vast sprawling sunflower


at both sides of the


the peacocks moving

in between the fields

spreading wings at times

that too feast to the eyes.

Like me waving the day's

paper in the absence of a fan

to escape from the sweat,

in the opposite seat

she too waving the


our fans for the time-


Winds too

blowing from outside

pretty hot

both complained into

each other about

the unforgiving sun.

From which station

she boarded the train

as I was caught in

a deep slumber in the night.

Waking up

to my surprise

saw me a girl occupying a seat

reading something.

I slowly stepped down from

the upper-berth

went to the wash-basin

washed my face

and came back refreshed.

The morning sun was gentle

casting warm rays

hence his embrace soothing.

Gave she a smile

pretty smile of a blonde

returned back the smile

both entered into

sweet and friendly talks

a pleasure, a great

pleasure, no moments of

boredom we felt.

Evening came,

sun shed his madness

of the afternoon,

for the day

calm and quiet

wind too soothing

caring, caressing.

Veil of darkness

in sight slowly engulfing the

whole landscape

watched her face

fading like a tender

flower in the evening.

In came the night

simultaneously came

light in the compartment

both shared food,

from the same plate

fun and pleasure'

she smiled.

Wishing goodnight

we went to our berths

fell into sleep

the next moment

woke up early in the


just to have a look

at her.

Shocked I was

missed a heartbeat

took a few minutes

to come to grip

with the painful fact

that she alighted

somewhere along

the way

Naughty girl

whispered me to


as the train chugged


hooting intermittent sirens

still that face

still that smile

still that experience

of sharing food,

from the same plate,

boarded she later

than me

alighted she earlier

than me

naughty she

kind of vacuum filled

my soul..

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