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Free Keyword Analysis Service Outline Home Based Business

free keyword analysis service: Its What We Do

You put up a website, but nobody is passing by. Now what do you do?

Implement a campaign using 3-5 longtail keywords

First keyword group you want to research revolves around your irresistible offer

ie: Keyword Research Instructional Video

Watch the Keyword Research Instruction Video

Keyword Keyword, Roger Roger

Follow the longtail trail

Follow a trail of Google suggestions that you can tie to your business

Follow the trail to a spot up to 100k optimized

Sweet spot for my industry at 5-20k

Check the snubtail in Wordtracker for more than 20 searches

keyword analysis service- 234 Queries to 8000 optimized sites

If your having trouble

Thesaurus a list

Find the top 3-5 in word tracker

Put that list into Google one at a time

Make an outline about your offer

Thats what this video is about

Main headings (in order)

Why your offer is relevant to the prospect

A real world example of why its relevant, personalize it to the prospect

How your offer is unique or how it works

Other applications

Add in supporting statements if needed

Write an introduction

Try to use your keyword string in the first sentence and Capture your audiences attention with a quote, anecdote, or personal experience

Use one or two more sentences to tell the prospect what you are about to tell them, without giving away the secrets

ie: My intro will say I have free keyword analysis service for you. I am going to tell you why this matters to you, then Im going to relate it to you personally, and show you how my offer is the best offer. Lastly, Ill explain that my offer will help you with other parts of your life that you dont know about yet

Write a conclusion

Restate your main points

Restate you can help because you offer_____

Write a title

That is consistent with your keyword string and purpose

Next Ill show you how to transfer your outline to some type of media





I hope this helped, and I look forward to seeing you next time

by: Justin MichFlannery

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