subject: Parenting: 4 Steps On How To Get Your Child Up And Moving With Exercise And Get Rid Of Pounds [print this page] Childhood obesity has been in the news a lot lately. It's an ongoing problem which will take years to eliminate.
Because computers, electronic toys and video games encourage children to be sedentary, actual physical exercise is not readily on their calendars.
The need for more physical exercise among our young is a critical issue. The American Heart Association recommends children over the age of two participate in at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity everyday.
So what can we do with our child, especially those who are too young for sports or who have no interest in sports?
Dancing is a simple activity that doesn't require complicated equipment and can be done just about anywhere.
Dancing is a fun activity and doesn't require a lot of time, money or resources.
Dancing is a creative form of self-expression that helps builds self-confidence.
Here are 4 steps to help you get started dancing with your children:
1) Select Appropriate Music.
Skip the lyrics. Look for music with an 8-count beat; neither too fast or too slow. Children will develop movements in time with the music.
Even a 2-year-old can become fluid to music and it certainly is more calming to parents than having a child running around the house screeching and screaming.
2) Create A Dance Routine With Your Child.
Together, decide how the dance will begin, what movements go in the middle and how it will end. Children naturally respond to rhythm and move to different beats.
Kids love to pretend and have no difficulty responding if they're asked to "be" the wind moving in the trees or a dog searching for a bone. Imagination and encouragement go a long way.
You may even create a "performance" to show the rest of the family or invite in friends and neighbors.
This may be more appropriate for children over the age of 6, but not necessarily.
3) Focus On Developing Your Child's Motor Skills
Freestyle dancing is great for coordination development. Dancing can give your child fundamental skills like jumping, landing, leaping, sliding, galloping, moving forward and backward, and learning how to imitate moves.
4) Check Your Child's Heart Rate.
Teach your child to connect physical activity with maintaining a healthy heart by measuring his or her heart rate. Show your child how to feel and count his or her heart beats.
Before you know it, your child will be dancing around the house to all sorts of music. Physical activity will become unconsciously performed and it's a good indication that extra weight will fall away.
(*Parents can do this, too!)
by: Gail Gupton
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