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Monster 4x4 Matrix Review
Monster 4x4 Matrix Review

Monster 4x4 Matrix launched quite recently as a multi level marketing opportunity for "Mr Average" seeking to make a second income without having to invest much money at the outset. The 4x4 matrix is designed so that an individual can earn fast. The concept behind the scheme is to take advantage of the benefits offered to members whilst building a downline and filling the matrix, earning bonuses and commissions on the way.

Members joining the Monster 4x4 Matrix scheme receive several benefits. The first of these is being able to send E mail advertisements to random members based on their personal membership level. They can also send emails to their downline members every 3 days, specifying which group of members they wish to contact. In addition there is a point earning system gained by clicking links within the mailers. These points can then be spent on a choice of E books, software or videos from the company store. Both membership levels come with a variety of free products and bonuses and a member can design up to 3 sales pages to attract new prospects.

To see whether Monster 4x4 Matrix is for you, there is a 5 day free trial period in which you get a chance to enroll your first 4 recruits. If at the end of that period you haven't succeeded, or you decide it is not for you then you just walk away. If you want to go ahead then you choose which level you want to start at. There are two levels of entry which are Starter Level (cost $5 per month) and Gold Level (costing $30 per month). The goal is to complete the matrix (340 people) with a maximum earning potential at starter level of $340 per month. The gold level (340 people) has a maximum earning potential of $4,208 per month.

Whether you can make money from this opportunity depends on your individual marketing and leadership skills. It is a marketing opportunity and you need to be able to not only find other people interested in joining but also be able to motivate them to do the same. My personal advice would be to take advantage of the 5 day free trial before committing yourself to a paid membership.

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