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subject: The Role Financial Restructuring Consultants [print this page]

The twenty first century India witnesses a boom in the economy with industrial growth followed by an increase in investments made by the people at large. People have become fully dependent on the services provided by the financial restructuring consultant in India as their earning capacity has increased over time. Increased earning capacity calls for a proper planning of your funds and assets to derive benefits in the near future. A wise decision on your part will be to zero your vision to a particular investment banker to manage your finance after taking into consideration the pros and cons of the venture.

Before you move a step ahead and manage your finance through them, there are certain aspects to be borne in mind.

Who are the Investment bankers?

You might have come across this term quite often. The investment banking firms might be large, medium or small conglomerates responsible for financing your capital requirements. The services provided by the investment bankers ranges from bond offering, private equity placements, stock broking to performing the functions of mergers and acquisitions. The investment bankers help the private and the public corporations by issuing certificates in the primary market and act as an intermediary in share trading for the clients. As a planned investor if you are looking forward to obtaining financial advice from the financial restructuring consultant in India, then you are moving on the right track as they would assist you in purchase of securities, managing financial assets and trading securities.

With an overall growth and development of the investment banking sector in India, the need for manpower has also increased. To crave out of this and meet the manpower needs, a large volume of investment banking jobs in India have been generated. The mob of India looks forward to becoming a part of the investment banks to earn big bucks and lead a lavish lifestyle.

Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley are the all time favorites and crowd pullers from the top notch b-schools in India. Other small investment banks are located regionally or situated in the middle market. These are often referred by the name of boutiques which might be oriented towards an industry vertical, bond-trading, technical analysis or program trading. These firms are mostly diversified into different areas and groups within them. Most of the firm consists of sales and trading which works with the owners of securities in the capital market. Investment banking jobs in India has been generated by the investment banking firms of international repute and if you want to be a part and parcel of these firms, grab a job right now.

If you look at the banking scenario in India, then you will discover that it covers different facets of the economy. The investment banks in India generate funds from the public at large via capital market by selling stock in their company. Apart from that the other way of raising the fund is to look out for private equity or the venture capital to cover the stake in their company. The investment banks handle the funds globally and if you feel they are the right place to divert your funds, go ahead.

by: Stvn

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