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subject: Basic Preview Of The Movie Hot Tub Time Machine [print this page]

Lots of people across the world love to take baths and find it to be a refreshing pastime that can settle nerves, soothe sore muscles and generally make a person feel better. Bathing is made much simpler of course by a Cincinnati walk in bath tub or multiple Cincinnati walk in bath tubs. Of course, things that are essentially containers for large amounts of water can also be used for recreational purposes by more than one person, as evidenced by things like the pool and the hot tub. In fact, the hot tub is soon coming under the microscope as a large part of the plot of a new, upcoming comedy film called Hot Tub Time Machine.

The plot of the movie, although it hasn't come out yet so nobody but critics can have seen it yet, seems fairly simple. Four men are on a trip to a ski lodge in the movie. Of course with four single men, the trip gets a little crazy through partying and somehow while they're all in a hot tub at the ski lodge they are transported back in time to 1986. According to multiple reviews available on the internet the four use their time in the past to fix things about their future. Whether or not they make it back to the present is anyone's guess and certainly a critical part of the suspense of the movie. So far every critical review of the film has been good so it certainly wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination to predict that it will do well at the box office.

One of the featured actors in the film is John Cusack. In the film Cusack apparently plays a man who is recovering from the recent break up with his girlfriend. The choice to cast Cusack in a role in this comedy film is interesting since he is more typically known for his turns in more serious films including some of his most famous starring roles in films such as disaster movie 2012 and thriller and suspense movie Identity. This is Cusack's premier starring role in a comedy so it will of course be interesting to film buffs to see what his delivery on jokes and general comedic demeanor is like.

Also featured in this motion picture is Craig Robinson. Robinson is commonly known for his work on the extremely popular comedy television series The Office, on which he portrays a blue collar worker in the warehouse of a fictional paper company. Robinson will also be known to fans of the cult comedy hit Pineapple Express, in which he played a small time gangster working for a bigger criminal kingpin.

It remains to be seen whether or not this quirky upcoming comedy will be funny and well received by the masses but the writers and director certainly deserve at least a little credit for coming up with a fairly original plot amidst a modern Hollywood in which it feels like most films are reboots of others and not new ideas.

by: Connor Sullivan

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