subject: Question Number 8 - Will You Step Up And Live The Champion Life? [print this page] The word "champion" has been defined as a fighter or a warrior. Another definition is someone that fights for a person or a cause. As you relentlessly pursue your ultimate dream in life, you must take a champion stance and fight for your dream. I'm not talking about a physical confrontation. However, you must be just as ferocious in your fight for your dreams. Realize that the enemy has placed adversity in your life to stop you and you simply can't let it happen because you are a champion!
When you commit to living the champion life, you talk, walk, believe, dream, build, stretch, motivate, and fly like a champion. Are you living like a champion now? Do you associate with other champions? Whether or not other people see you as a champion isn't important. What's crucially important is that you see yourself as the champion you were born to be!
We're all born champions, each and every one of us. Sometimes, we just forget that simple fact so tell yourself each and every day:
I am a champion! I am dreaming like a champion! I am walking like a champion! I am challenging myself like a champion!
Champions make decisions, they really do.. Champions know their own Why. Champions dream huge. Champions listen to and hear their heart's desires and passion. Champions act as if their success is guaranteed. Champions listen to motivational and inspirational materials. Champions step up and live the champion life!
If you successfully completed this chapter by asking yourself all eight questions and answering them honestly, then you are a champion. You made a decision to invest in your future. You, my friend, are well on your way to achieving ultimate success!
John Di Lemme
by: John Di Lemme.
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