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Shokz Guide Review for Starcraft 2
Shokz Guide Review for Starcraft 2

The Shokz Guide - Starcraft 2 Mastery Guide is definitely the ultimate SC2 strategy guide on the market today. The Shokz Guide includes the best set of online videos and is unquestionably the most informative strategy guide that I've checked out. If you use the Shokz guide, I am sure you'll be a winning player instantly. The writer, John Greenhoe, has been playing since early beta and tops the Diamond League.

Be certain to check out thisShokz Review before buying a SC2 guide.

The Shokz guide encompasses everything from the single player campaign to multiplayer combat tips for each race. The Shokz Guide includes detailed instructional videos and maps of each mission, including the secret mission, and teaches you how to win all the achievements.

The multiplayer portion of the guide teaches you about build orders, micro and macro, scouting, and virtually every part of the game. It will give everyone who has it a tremendous advantage versus any opponent. It also includes amazing lessons and vids on each type of multiplayer game, from 1v1 on up. Until this guide came out, I could never beat Terrans as a Protoss. I always believed that the game unfairly favored the Terran race, but after acquiring this guide I now know the truth ;) and have been very happy to go up against Terrans.

The member's area is particularly amazing. The creator of the guide - John Greenhoe, has even attached a forum area where users can pick future improvements of the guide. Personally, I learned the most from the tons of videos on the site - they are set up to teach you the top strategies versus every race and in every situation.

Here is a chart comparing all thetop SC2 strategy guides I've seen - choose one depending on your particular needs.

Here's a partial list of topics you'll discover in the Shockz Guide - Starcraft 2 Mastery Guide:

* A beginner's intro, as well as an inclusive 6 part starter guide

* Hundreds of detailed videos that are separated into step-by-step instruction

* The smartest build orders for Zerg, Protoss and Terran races

* A complete manual to all races, as well as cheat sheets displaying which troops are most effective versus enemy soldiers.

* Mission guide, with maps and demonstration videos, that will let you win on Brutal level and win every achievement

* Tips for each race that make them almost unbeatable to the uninformed

* Other more individual strategy guides, such as Using Reapers efficiently, 2v2 Bunker, Reaper, Pylon, Cannon Rush Guides, Micro and Macro Guide, and much much more...

Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void will also be added to the Shokz Guide as soon as they are available, for no additional charge. From what I have experienced so far, the Shokz guide is continually updated by its author, John Greenhoe, and I'm sure that these guides will definitely become available as the Starcraft 2 expansion packs are released. The guide provides a sixty day money back guarantee if you're not fully happy.

A completely new strategy guide that works from inside the actual game, called theStarcraft 2 Diamond Gamer In-Game Addon, was just released. I have been using it for the past few months and it is a great choice that is totally different from any other guide I have used.

Whether you just want to conquor the single player campaign on brutal level with all achievements or you are an experienced player looking to move up the rankings in the Diamond league, this guide will help and is worth every penny.

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