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subject: Waiora, A Critical Review [print this page]

Before you lock arms with Waiora, it's important that you get your facts straight.


Waiora manufactures over thirty products that are put together with the healthy aging philosophy in mind. Baby boomers compose the primary demographic that this company is targeting.

Would people really buy these products? With the largest segment of our population at or heading towards retirement the apparent answer is yes. Its also estimated that the baby boomers control 75% of our nations financial resources.

Do they want to stay healthful? Yes! Do they want to look young? Yes!

One account claimed that in this companies short, five year time on the market, they have already generated over $130 million in revenue. This would also be a clear piece of proof of good market demand for these products.


Many times, good products have gone by the wayside because the leadership did not know what they were doing. Its of the essence that the company leadership be both talented and experienced.

Would you really want to risk your families future on great products headed by a team of idiots?.

Luckily for Waiora, you dont need to be concerned about that. Mr. Stanley J. Cherelstien, former CEO and COO for Unicity inc., is heading up this project as the President

Unicity does business worldwide in over 16 countries. You can rest assured that Mr. Cherelsein knows how to run a company.

In addition to Mr. Cherelstein's incredible background, he has surrounded himself with an awfully knowledgeable and talented mastermind group of a management team.


Ok... let's talk money. Most folks get really excited on this topic. How do you get compensated as a business builder?

Waiora has elected to go with a unilevel compensation plan.

This means that you can go as wide as you want with your personally enrolled reps. Every new rep you sponsor can begin a new line on your first generation.

In theory, you could have 1,000 or more reps on your first level.. After that, you're are paid varying rates on all the business contained within the first 9 generations.

One thing I really like about this company is the detail that if you just want to buy the products at the wholesale price, you can enroll for $30 dollars and you won't be required to have an autodelivery.

If you would like to churn out alot of cash with Wiaora, you do need to have at least a $100 monthly autoship. In addition to the 100 point autoship, Waiora offers a 200 point shipment option.

There is also whats known as a premier package, which is a $1,500 dollar starter package that puts you on the pacesetter program. Not very many reps will be able to move that much product so it's definitely not right for everybody. Luckily there are other options for the masses.


Wiaora is a good enterprise that's been in business for five years. They have made it passed the period where most businesses fold.

All of these things are good, but if you really want to hit it big with Waiora, you have to discover how to connect with mass numbers of consumers that would like what you have to offer.

by: Paul Hutchings

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