subject: Patience, Persistence, Perseverance, And Practice To Help Autistic Children [print this page] How can you as parent(s) or caregiver(s) have patience, persistence, perseverance and practice with an autistic child? Children with autism, because of their disorder, for the most part display behavior problems that can be out of control along with temper tantrums. These are just some of the areas that a child with the disorder of autism have.
You know that being parent(s) you must try to be patient when the unexpected is about to happen with your child. It takes patience just to be patient. With all of the levels and variables that surround autism, you must become persistent to hold and stand your ground. Show your child love, understanding and communicate to him or her.
Sometimes, your family is affected by a child who has autism which creates more problems and requires you to persevere so you understand, encourage your child and family also to have patience, persistence and perseverance.
I realize from my own experience dealing with children who have autism that the task as an adult to understand their difficulties and personalities can be challenging and frustrating.
If you as parent(s), caregiver(s) do not show patience, persistence, and perseverance, in raising, helping, loving, encouraging your child, you too, will become discouraged and it will be difficult for you to make it through the day.
Your child images you and your family through his or her experience of what he or she sees, hears, and actions that are taken and how they are taken. Your child may not be able to communicate in the way you want him or her to, but they are sensitive and intuitive people and are in tune with more than you may be aware of.
Adding patience, persistence and perseverance into your daily routine with your child, you will see many positive results and enjoy your child and family with less stress.
The last word, is the sum total of patience, persistence and perseverance. It is the word practice. You want to take all of these action words, and put them into practice. Practice is not only how many times you do these steps, it is also how many times the positive results are going to show up.
Therefore, it might be an excellent idea to type these words out, patience, persistence, perseverance and practice, put them on a recipe card and magnet them to your refrigerator. Your child and you are worth it to have these four valuable words visible.
by: Bonita Darula
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