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subject: Enagic Money Making Secrets [print this page]

Enagic is a great organizationEnagic is a great organization. They produce products that are of high quality and pay their top reps well too. This company also has a solid 20 plus year history in business. You can rest assured that, if you decide to work with this organization, the company will be there to sustain you years and years down the road.

Ok, now that we're on the same page. Let's investigate what it really takes to be successful with this company.

Enagic is a multi level marketing company. This industry operates like this: You get paid for finding folks that become customers and distributors. You also get paid for the people they recruit, etc., etc., on down the line.

Success in network marketing relies on a few key points.


Leadership guru, John Maxwell, has been quoted as saying that "Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less." How do you influence individuals? Well, you need to be looked upon as someone that has value to give. People need to percieve you as someone that can help them achieve their aspirations. They need to trust you and your council.

Some people are born leaders. Each of us can develop these abilities with some effort. You simply need to learn and do. Study and action gives you necessary growth that will give you a "been there, done that" attitude. You'll need this in order for people to follow you.

This doesn't happen immediately. Don't let that discourage you.

Chances are you have some kind of knowledge that others do not have. You automatically have influence over some folks because of this fact alone.

You must take steps. Then as your leadership increases, the numbers of people you influence grows with it.


Now that you know you need to learn to impart value to others we can hit on the next key point. The next critical point to making a fortune in Enagic is learning to communicate that value to mass numbers of people.

Every network marketing business goes through a few phases of development. Stage 1 is, making a list of your warm market contacts. This step is meant to help you gather a few key people that may want to work with you.

Step 2 is direct marketing. This is where you use 21st cecntury tools, advertising and copywriting to connect with mass numbers of individuals so that they can be aware of the value you provide.

Direct marketing is used by 90% of successful businesses, but is often completely ignored in mlm. They get stuck in phase 1 which leads to heartache. They blast through the people they personally know and then either persist to hound those people they've already contacted or beat their heads against the wall with silly sales tactics like cold calling leads or going door to door.

I understand what it's like being stuck in stage 1 and it's very discouraging. Wouldn't it be nice to go to a reunion, dinner party, or other social function without being on the hunt for your next prospect?

If you gain markeitng skills, you'll never run out of people to talk to. No more chasing down reps, worrying about your next victim. Customers come to you.

Big hitters in Enagic, use these 2 steps to grow their businesses to incredible heights.

by: Paul Hutchings

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